S I X T Y - S E V E N

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Draco was escorted outside whilst y/n remained on her place, hiding so that she can't be seen. The next thing happened was very blur. She found herself inside the room, along with Snape and Draco. It was just the three of them.

Snape was giving y/n a smug look. Y/n narrowed her eyes at him in return.

"Lucky you, we're in my office because if you were seen then your father would kill me," said Snape, sternly. Y/n rolled her eyes, she really couldn't care less if she was seen. In fact, she would be ecstatic to see her friends in person.

"Thank you for your service, but I didn't asked you to," remarked y/n. Draco, on the hand, brought his hand to his face. He knew that at some point, y/n would reply back to Snape— in which we all know it's terrifying to talk him back.

Snape ignored her, as he turn himself to side, facing Draco.

"Why did you bring this-" he stopped talking to look at y/n, who crossed her arms, "girl in here?"

Draco whispered to Snape whilst y/n huffed, "Don't act like I'm not here!" both Snape and Draco ignored her and started to have an in-depth conversation.

Once they were done, Snape looked at y/n once again. He gave y/n a look of disappointment. Snape couldn't believe that y/n herself decided to go along with Draco, when in fact, it's very dangerous.

"If you're asking me if I'm a death eater, then the answer to that is a big fat no," she forced a smile and then later, she rolled her eyes to the side.

"... And what you're role in this?" asked Snape.

"To be the moral support of this guy right here," she cooed, pinching the cheeks of Draco. She did that in order to annoy Snape. He cringed and turn to Draco.

"Draco, you must leave. I will escort y/n back to her Manor," ordered Snape. Draco nodded and walked towards y/n.

"You can't be serious. I want to stay here," said y/n, ready to burst any minute now.

Draco looked at her and gave her a sad smile. He can't risk y/n to be apart of this. It's far more dangerous.

"You know what will happen right?" he asked y/n, who nodded in return, "Then you must know that it'll be dangerous for you to stay here."

"But I don't want to leave-"

"Promise that you will go back safely?" Draco interrupted her.

"I just don't want you to be in danger," she said in a whisper.

Snape scoffed. He was very bitter seeing the two love birds, "Are you done talking like a married couple?" spat Snape.

Draco and y/n rolled their eyes.

"Promise?" he asked once again.

"A million times yes. That's a pinky promise."

He left y/n and Snape. As soon as Draco left, Snape faced y/n.


After the party ended, Luna found Harry, along with Ron and Hermione, who stood beside Luna because she was still mad at Ron.

Luna greeted them with a sweet hello and handed them two notes. She handed the first one to the trio.

"What is it?" asked Harry, bunching his forehead.

"I don't know what this is, but she gave this to me and then say: Give this to them. Soon, she left," answered Luna. The three of them were confused.


"Y/n. She was here and we talked for a bit," smiled Luna. Hermione grabbed the note from Harry and opened it.

Whilst Harry and Hermione were reading the note. Ron asked Luna a few questions.

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