S E V E N T Y - F O U R

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She apparated safely to the location where the trio and her are going to meet up. The Grimmauld place. Right on time, she saw Harry, Ron and Hermione facing the door.

An idea popped inside her mind and decided to scare them.

"Put your wands down and show me your hands!" she said, trying to be in character. The trio dropped their wands and slowly turned their back.

When they saw her face, Ron's mouth gaped and say, "Bloody hell, y/n! You scared us!" Hermione rolled her eyes and picked up her wand.

"I really thought you were a death eater or something," said Hermione, nudging her elbow on shoulder.

"Well, it's just me," sighed y/n.

The four of them entered the dimly lit dusty hallway. Just then, they felt a rush of cold air sweeps through the hallway. At the end of the hallway, they saw something shifted and rised from the carpet— It's Dumbledore, but a ghostly and dust-coloured Professor Dumbledore. It rushed forward and then screams, it shuddered y/n, along with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"What was that about?" asked Ron, looking at Hermione.

"Mad-eye's doing, I'd guess. In case Snape decided to come snooping."

The three nodded at Hermione's guessing. Soon, Hermione drew out her wand again and casted a spell to find out if they were alone.

They are alone indeed.

Harry split ways and went somewhere else whilst y/n stayed with Ron and Hermione. The three of them stayed in a different room, checking some clues if they ever find one.

"Where were you right before you came here?" asked Hermione to y/n.

"I was with Linus earlier. There's a new attack in Edinburgh, by the way, and some of our groups had managed to capture a couple of death eaters," answered y/n. Hermione only nodded, continuing to roam around.

"How many people you have in your team, y/n?" asked Ron, bunching his forehead.

"About a hundred and still counting. Also, There will be a new attack in Glasgow tomorrow night."

Hermione looked at her, giving her the all-knowing look. They're like talking telepathically. She knew where y/n got this information from. Ron, on the other hand, was ignorant.

Instead of Ron asking where y/n got the information from, he yelled for Harry, finding him. Whilst Ron was looking for his best friend. Hermione turned to y/n.

"You asked Malfoy, didn't you?" asked Hermione.

"W-what?" she stuttered.

"Don't go act dumb, y/n. I know that you're talking to him."

"Are you mad?" her voice cracked, unsure of what Hermione's respond going to be.

"Slight— enough of that, let's find Harry," said Hermione, pulling y/n by the arm.

Hermione and y/n parted ways, looking for Harry. She stumbled upon random things that were scattered on the floor. She picked it up by using her wand.

The search still continued.

She heard a rattle and that made her jumped. She backed up away until she bumped into a wall— well, it was just her best friend, Ron.

"You freaking scared me!" exclaimed y/n, putting her hand on her chest.

"I'm sorry— have you seen Harry and Hermione?"

"Well, I was with Hermione earlier, but then we split up," said y/n, fidgeting her wand. Ron just nodded and led her to a room. He pointed out the door with a name on it.

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