T W E N T Y - O N E

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The girl had received a letter from her best friends. She opened the first and it was from Ron. It was a short a letter and it says here:

To the most annoying git ever,

My family and I, including Harry and Hermione as well, are going to the quidditch world cup tomorrow. I'm wondering if you could join us and if you accept this invitation, Harry and Hermione would be delighted to see you (mostly Harry).

Please come, so that Hermione would be bothering someone else, not me.

Oh! Don't forget to owl me.

Don't tell her about this okay?

The ginger boy next door, Ron.

Y/n laughed when she read the letter of Ron, especially the heading of the letter. She wiped her tears and grabbed the next letter beside her. The second letter was from Hermione and she quickly knew what she was going to write.

Dear Y/n,

I'm guessing that you already read Ron's letter? Please join us tomorrow. Ronald won't stop bothering me. He's annoying me out and I want you to be there so that you can be my guard to shield off that annoying guy.

Plus, I've also heard that there are some cute boys would be playing tomorrow. Okay, I'll make this letter short since SOMEONE is at my door, demanding who I was writing to. I hope to see you soon! I love you!

Your Best friend, Hermione.

Y/n wasn't quite sure if who is exactly bothering them. Was it Ron who started? Or Hermione? She don't get it why this two would start annoying each other out. Next time she will make a plan to get Hermione and Ron get along with each other. Even though, she knew that the two of them will just start a war just because of little things.

She grabbed a three parchment and her quill from the book shelf. Y/n sat down on the stool and placed her things on the study table. Before she could write some responses, she remembered that she didn't opened the last letter from Harry. Y/n went to her bed and grabbed the letter.

She opened it and she was kind of expecting that his letter would contain words like 'Come here so Ron and Mione would stop glaring at each other,' Unfortunately, she was wrong.


Hey! Will you join us tomorrow? If you're not coming then it would be fine. We understand, but it would be a brilliant idea if you were here. Since we haven't seen each other for a long time. How's your break by the way? Was it fun? Well, it's okay if you won't tell me.. Like I said awhile— I mean write (how stupid of me) ago, I understand.

We missed you so much. See you soon!

-Harry Potter

She felt a warm sensation when she read the letter of Harry. It was sweet, unlike Ron and Hermione's letter it was more like telling y/n about how it went downhill with each other. The girl sat once again on her stool, ready to write some letters to her friend. As she was about to write, she remembered that she haven't asked her parents yet. So she went downstairs.

The house was neat and everything was in place. She knew that if the house looked like this; his father have some serious important business held on this household.

"Mum?" shouted y/n as she try to find her mum. Luckily, she saw her mum in the kitchen with her dad.

"Yes dear?" asked Ellora, who's drinking a tea prepared by his lovely husband.

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