S I X T Y - N I N E

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Months had been passed. No wand, no patronuses, no letters coming from her friends or even Draco. Maybe they're just busy, said the tiny voice in her mind. She ignored her inner monologue and went downstairs. The girl tried and tried to contact them in many ways she could possibly do, but her parents is always on the way, blocking everything.

As she finally descended downstairs, she saw her parents wearing an unusual black set of clothing. Her mum's long hair was now tied up in a neat bun hairstyle. Meanwhile, her father's beard was now invisible to everyone's eyes.

Odd, she thought to herself.

She stopped and stared at them for a minute or so. Y/n internally asked herself, "Where are they going wearing in a full black clothing?" No one seems to noticed her questioning look plastered on her face. And so, her parents carried on, prepping themselves before they leave.

She walked towards them, as she eyed everything in their hand. Ellora was clutching on her wand whilst her father Proteus was trying to read something on a tiny piece of parchment. He muttered something to his wife, but she stared at him back, hesitating and now giving in.

"You're probably wondering about where are we headed," Proteus asked y/n. She nodded quickly in response. "We can't tell you, but your mother and I have decided to give back you wand- ahh, this wand is for your safety. It is not for doing any stupid stuffs, okay?"

Proteus arched his right brow, showing that he was serious. Right before she could say yes, she realised that her father mentioned it 'for her safety', and that made her curious.

"For my safety? Why?" she asked.

Ellora went stiff as a stick and minded her own business whilst she leave that question to her husband. She cannot explain into words to her daughter, it brings a heavy feeling to her chest. Proteus took his time, as he picks up the right words to deliver the explanation.

"We now face a new challenge before us and we must be careful. In these days, you must protect yourself," said Proteus before adding it in whilst also adding a long airy sigh, "You mustn't put yourself in danger."

"I must go with you," said y/n. Her father knew it that these words will come from her mouth. He knew right from the very beginning- with or without the houses, He knew. He knew he raised a daughter so brave than him or his wife combined. She has the heart of what every people wanted to have: courage.

Even though she and her parents drifted apart, each of them still cared for each other or at least that's what he thought. He reached out his hand to hold her hand. It was the first time in years to show affection to her since the "you can't go with your friends or you should go back to your old school" incident. It was genuine, not forced or even faked.

"No matter what happens. Remember our family motto: courage sans peur."

And with that, he let go of her hand and reached out his wife's hand instead. Her father gave one last look before disapparating. In the back of his head, he could've say something if ever something went wrong. He was guilty, but now her daughter had changed him. It doesn't look like it, but sooner you'll understand.

Y/n don't know what exactly to feel. She was happy that she received her wand back, but in the meantime, she was curious about their secret destination. Y/n looked at her wand, she remembered her father's words. 'For your safety' she wondered around.

What danger she could possibly face?

Nevertheless, she ignored her father's wise words and headed to Linus' bedroom. She stood up and rapped the door. Linus immediately opened the door, thinking that something bad had happened.

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