T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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Hermione and Ginny kept on insisting their best friend to talk to Harry. But y/n didn't like that idea and so, she just lay down on her bed, covering her ears so that she can't hear the nagging of the two girls.

"Just tell him. It's not good to leave a boy without some explanation," Hermione groaned, as she tried to pulled the duvet from y/n, who kept on tugging her duvet to prevent Hermione from pulling it.

"Yeah, Hermione's right you know?" agreed Ginny, "He'll be hurt for sure,"

"What am I going to tell him then? 'I'm going to turn down your invitation and go with your enemy instead?' That's awful," whined y/n, popping her head out of the duvet.

"This won't happen if you haven't chose that bloke over Harry," Hermione rolled her eyes and threw a pillow to y/n, making her scream a little.

"Well, this won't happen if that stupid deal wasn't made," y/n simply answered as she slapped her forehead and that's when she realized that she spilled the tea.

"What deal?" asked Hermione and Ginny, scrunching their brows downward and took a step closer to y/n.

Y/n mumbled a curse word and hid herself once again from the duvet. She promised to herself that she won't tell it to anyone, but now it feels like she betrayed her own self. She got up and fixed her clothes.

Instead of answering the question of Hermione and Ginny, y/n simply answered, "I'm going to talk to Harry now," and with that she abruptly left the girls, leaving them confused. Y/n made her way to the boy's dormitory. As she finally reached the front, she knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open the door.

"Who is it?" said the person inside the room.

"It's y/n Guildford and I'm here to talk to-" Her voice was cut off when suddenly the door was finally opened and stood in front of her was the boy with glasses on, "Harry,"

"Uh, hey. Do you like to go somewhere else?" suggested Harry, as he looked back and saw the boys giving him a thumbs up. Harry rolled his eyes at the boys and told her to wait for him.

"Going on lovely stroll with y/n, eh?" teased Fred and nudging him by the elbow. Harry took his wand by the side table and went outside with y/n. Before he could close the door, the twins made an inappropriate joke which resulting them getting hit by a pillow thrown by their brother, Ron.

He closed the door before saying, "Don't mind them," y/n chuckled at his words and both of them turn their heels away. As they were walking, a couple of students said hi to them and some others waved at them. They finally reached the courtyard and sat down on the vacant bench.

Harry smiled at her and that made y/n winced, feeling guilty for rejecting Harry. Her breath was wavering and shakey; she can't do it. She don't want to hurt Harry because it will hurt her more. Harry's been through a lot and she don't want to be such a burden to him. She don't want to, but she have to.

Stupid Malfoy and his bet. Y/n rolled her eyes and then she realized that was also wrong too. Stupid me.

"So?" asked Harry, breaking the awkward tension building amongst them.

Y/n pretended as if she don't know what he was referring about. She hummed in question and made an innocent face, causing Harry to chuckle.

"Your answer?" He asked with hope in his voice. Hearing his tone is very heartbreaking to hear for y/n. Her soul was crushed and her heart shattered as if her heart was made of glass. Y/n suck in a breath and prayed silently to guide her when she's ready to explain to Harry.

She took a deep breath, "Erm, Harry? I don't know what to say but before I could answer your question, please forgive me," y/n whispered at the end of her sentence. Harry began to tremble and prepared himself to what will happen next. He knew it and he don't need y/n to hear her reply because the way she acts right now, there's definitely something wrong was about to happen.

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