F O R T Y - N I N E

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After all the classes she had today, she went straight back to her dorm. Her dorm was fine and comfy, but no dorm can top the room she had back at Hogwarts. In her room, she was with Hermione, Ginny, and two other girls that she's not fond of.

When she got to her room, a letter was placed on her bed. She knew exactly where this letter came from and she's ecstatic to see the response from her friends. Plus, she also wanted to hear if they were ready to pick her up.

"Guildford, right? There's a letter for you," said Alexis, the American-French girl, whom y/n shared the room with her. She's just like Hermione. Same brown wavy hair, loves to read books, and also have a thing for red heads.

Four girls were staying at one room— including her of course. Let us begin with Alexis, she's the one who informed y/n about the letter. Next up it was Leonor and her sister Sophia. They're twins, by the way. The twins were nice to her, but then she held some grudges towards to Alexis.

Y/n nodded and made her way to her bed. She grabbed the letter and opened it, only to find the bad looking penmanship of Ron. His writing wasn't neat all, instead it looks like he was in a rush. Some of the letter 'e' looked like letter c, and a's looked like d's.

Dear y/n,

Good thing you're staying at Beauxbatons and not at your grandad's house. We also found out that your parents are back here in your Manor. Sirius told us that. The Order are doing the best they can to escape you out of there.

Rumors are spreading here at Hogwarts, telling us that you have been abducted, which we find it very funny. Lastly, we have a new teacher in Defence Against the Dark Arts. We gave her a new nickname and that is, Toad face. Her pink jumpers are bloody horrendous. Good thing, you haven't met her.

We miss you so much. Harry's weeping  isn't a music to my ears and Hermione couldn't stop talking about you. Ginny also misses you. Hoping to see your owl!

-The fabulous ginger xx.

"Oh is that a lettre d'amour?" asked Leonor, wiggling her brows up and down. Meanwhile, Sophia cooed and Alexis just sighed and continued her paper works.

"Uh no. It's a letter from my friend," answered y/n. Alexis sat up straight and was intrigued by this. So, she sat beside her and tried to grab her letter.

"Why are you trying to get my letter?" y/n asked, raising her tone at her.

"It's because I want to see it?" said Alexis, as she rolled her eyes. Y/n knew at this exact moment, she officially hates her. If the trio have a toad face professor, y/n have an awful roommate who wanted to pry on her private life.

Why can't this girl shut her mouth up?

"It's not even your letter. Why bother look at it?" y/n told her and that made Alexis shut her mouth. She don't know what to say next. And so, she huffed and rolled her eyes to the side.

Good. Now don't go near me again.

She was wrong about comparing her to Hermione. She was the opposite of Hermione, and it includes everything that she doesn't want from a person. She thought that Pansy was worse, but then she thought herself wrong. This girl named Alexis is absolutely worse than Pansy herself.

Not long after, she decided to write a response back to her friends, not giving a care about her new roommates.

"Why are you writing a letter to your friend?" Sophia asked her, munching some sweets into her mouth.

"Because I miss them so much," was all she said. She moved to the other side so that the twins couldn't see her writing a response for them.

"Does your best friend stayed at your school too? At hogwarts?"

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