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the letter

Dear y/n,

I never written a love letter, so forgive me if I fail now.... Right from when I first saw you, I see the way you walked gracefully as if an angel walked the centre of the great hall. You are beautiful that day and up up until now. I remember the time when you were looking for a vacant table at the library, and I'm glad you sat beside me just like I planned.

I even remembered the time I waited for you in the astronomy tower, but you came with my arch nemesis. My heart broke for the first time, seeing you with him. Plus, I already knew who sabotaged my letter so that you won't be informed. It was Pansy (not surprising if you'd ask me).

Whenever you're not around, Potter and I would fight because of you. He liked you. That's why I even bullied him harder so that he would leave you. That's when I realised, I was wrong. He fought harder for you whilst I just stood there, doing nothing.

Morning became evening, and each day passes, I fell in love with you even more. But, I was a coward. I was afraid to show you how I felt towards you in the public eyes. I was blinded to think about my reputation rather than thinking about you. I'm really sorry for those where I treat you like nothing because I was protecting my image.

But now, I've changed. You changed me the best version I am, and I'm really thankful you did because if it weren't for you I would be stuck in  my own two feet, having no guide at all. You taught me everything in general... You taught me that reading books are fun. You taught me to see the beauty of pain. You taught me to be brave and also, you taught me that everything will be alright. As I was writing this, I know that you taught me all of these, but I need some guidance  to help me get through this. I'm no Diggory, nor Potter and Weaselbee (forgive me for his nickname) but I'm me. I'm only me.

I'm Draco Lucius Malfoy, the same boy you met in year three, the perfectly imperfect slytherin student. I also make some mistakes.

That's why I wrote you this letter. I love you, but those aren't enough. I need you, y/n. I need to be on my side , where each morning I could see your sweet smile. I need you to be my guide, where you would me lead to great things. I need you to be my fighter in times of war. I need you to be the light in my heart. You are one great kind person I've ever met and I am thankful each day.

You are the stars to my moon. You are the rain to my flowers. You are the sun that peaks through... I know that you've noticed that you were always the one who made the promises, but please answer honestly.

Will you be my now, tomorrow, yesterday, and forever? It's okay if you don't have any answers yet. I am willing to wait for ten years or so, but when all of this are over. I hope that when the day comes, seal your yes with a promise.

I am willing to wait,


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