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The four stood outside the school grounds. As they watched students saying their farewells to their friends. It was finally summer and all of them could use a little break from all what happened, just what y/n needed. She had been through a lot, not to mention the paper works that her professor kept pouring on her.

"So... I guess, this is goodbye?" y/n questioned the trio.

Hermione chuckled and wrapped her arms to y/n and Harry, whose arm placed around Ron's shoulder. "This isn't good bye. We will always meet again, y/n,"

With those last words, it felt like she's home. She felt like those words comforted her and brings coziness right through her heart, and surely she'll miss them. The four of them looked at each other, laughed and then smiled. The year 3 might have been difficult, but they still remain strong as four best of friends.

"Till' the next journey!" The four happily shouted as they part ways. Ron mouthed goodbye as he went out with his mum. Hermione followed suit, giving the pair a bear hug and then she left. Harry also gave y/n a hug and told her that he'll try to owl her during the whole summer. Y/n pushed her trolley and look sideways to find her mother.

Her mum stood there, waving her to come over and so she did. Y/n gave her mum a hug and her mother returned the gesture to her. The two of them entered the car and her mother was the first one to break the ice.

"How's school?" Her mum asked.

"Amazing," replied y/n, thinking about Hermione, Harry, and Ron. These three really made her life even better than her old school. Sure, it was fun but this time it's different. She felt like she's never been out casted by others and was truly happy that she met them first during her first feast at the great hall.

She remember introducing her name to the trio and now, the trio became four. Naming their group after a constellation. Y/n smiled to herself, remembering the times she had spent with the trio.

It wasn't only the trio made her life adventurous but all of the gryffindor students, teachers, and even Draco as well. She will definitely miss him even though their conversation didn't end well. It was true what they have said, 'Hogwarts is my home' and truly it is, it was a home for everyone.

The car had finally reached the destination and both mother and daughter stepped foot inside their manor. When she entered the living room, she was immediately greeted by her dog and his name was Evander, named after by an Arcadian hero of the Trojan War. He wiggled his tail and licked the cheeks of y/n, who is now on the floor laughing.

A man coughed, making y/n to rise up on her feet. She quickly fixed her clothes and her hair, making it more presentable for her father. She walked towards him and gave his father a hug. Her father wasn't a hugger, but for her daughter, he'll gladly do it.

"I missed you so much," Her father said.

"Don't be so dramatic, Father," She chuckled, as they both pulled away from the hug.

"Is it bad to missed my very own daughter?" He asked his wife, who smiled and shook her head. "See?"

Her father let y/n rest to her room. She obeyed and the house elves helped her on carrying her trunks. The manor looked different; every corner was decorated and even the ceiling was also decorated with big ornaments hanging from the chandeliers. Even the paintings were also cleaned. She walked through the hallways and saw the new portrait. She ordered the house elves to go on without her.

She stood right in front of the new portrait. It was her in the painting. She was sitting on a big chair or what they call it sometimes, throne, and on her neck was a family heirloom necklace, written on it was their motto: Courage sans peur, their motto came from her grandfather, who is a noble French man. Up until to this day, they used that motto in everyday basis. They still relived his memory to pass it generation after generation.

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