F O R T Y - T H R E E

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Before she could grab her quill, she asked them to leave. The trio was confused about why y/n would want to be left alone if she's just going to watch all the memories she had with Cedric? The three of them was confused.

Y/n don't want to them to see about what she's going to see— the point of view of her father. If she have confirmed her theory then she would be definitely shock. Disappointed, even. Or worse, her friends would know about this and then they'll leave her.

She can't risk that.

"We wanted to see the moments you had Cedric," said Ron, preparing himself to watch from the journal.

"Er- I wanted to be alone for awhile.."

Y/n felt bad once again for using this whole thing as an excuse so that she can finally got the chance to be left alone with the journal, not with her friends. It concerned her that what if the trio found out about the secret of her father. Will they leave her? Are they smart enough to know that she wasn't the type of person to pick the bad over the good side?

"Well... We're here if you need something," Harry spoke, as he gestured both Ron and Hermione, who thinks that it was a bad idea to leave y/n. Hermione knew that y/n's plan was to confirm one thing about her little theory, not watching the memories she had with Cedric. She wanted to know what y/n was trying to confirm, and it drives her mad. Extremely mad.

Ron and Harry went to the boy's dormitory whilst Hermione mouthed 'Tell me later, okay?' to her, as she made her way back to her dorm. Finally, she was now alone at the common room. All of the students were now resting in their rooms since the headmaster gave them a day off to rest and to spend the last day with Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students.

Y/n grabbed her quill and wrote the date before the quidditch world cup and Cedric had told her to escape with him.

24th August 1994. Proteus Guildford.

As soon as she wrote that, none of the flashback from her father were shown. Then all of a sudden she remembered something. The journal was made to keep out all things related to you-know-who. The reason why Hermione suggested to add this feature on their journal, it is because she don't want to see the minds of those evil doers. She's terrified to see what goes inside their head— especially, you-know-who.

On the other hand, Harry and Ron strongly disagree with her suggestion. The two boys told her that it can be used as an advantage to see what's going on their side. But of course, y/n was mostly in the middle. She wanted to see what will be the next plan of the Dark Lord, but at the same time, she was also scared like Hermione.

And so, y/n finally decided to go with Hermione's last minute suggestion, making the two boys groaned in frustration. Ron think that it was a stupid idea to not consider to put that in, Harry thought that too as well. It was this moment that Hermione and y/n ignored the smart decision.

Without any memories of her father on the pages, that could only mean one thing and that is: her father is a death eater. Y/n felt nauseous as ever. Her mind can't process this small yet big impact information in her brain.

She stood up, taking a deep long breath. Y/n really can't do this anymore with this situation. She walked out of her room and went to the common room, and finally exited out of the the gryffindor tower.

Y/n doesn't know where her feet is leading her off to and she really couldn't care less about what people might think of her bumping onto everyone's shoulder whilst walking.

"y/n! Wait up!" He called out, causing y/n to halt from her tracks.

"What is it?" asked y/n, slightly annoyed the fact she wanted to be alone after knowing that her father is a death eater.

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