S I X T Y - S I X

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They decided to meet up once again. Both of them laid their back on the grass, as the two of them looked at the bright sky. They were in y/n's garden. She fully remembered the night when Draco went to her house for the first time. It was like this, laying down on the grass, but they are looking at the constellation.

And in that moment, both of them admitted that they liked the constellation named scorpius.

"Are you sure that you want to go back to Hogwarts?" asked y/n, pulling out the grass underneath the soil.

"Yes, I have to," sighed Draco. He was really looking forward not to go back. All he wanted to do is stay with y/n and just hang out, but the universe and his mum told him no. Whenever he thinks about his school— all he could see in his mind is his task for the Dark Lord, "Let's not talk about that. Think of something we could talk about."

Y/n began thinking what topic they could agree on.

"What do you wanted to be after all of this?" asked y/n, putting up a bright smile.

Draco turned to the side to fully face her. "How are you so sure that this will be over?" he asked her. He never knew why y/n is so optimistic even though bad things are going to happen.

"I'm hundred percent this will be over. Let's be positive for awhile, Draco," she grinned and laid her head on his chest. "So... Your dream?"

Draco hummed, as he tried to think of his dreams. He gave up when all he could was nothing. Not a single thing or dream that popped inside his mind.

"Actually, I don't know what I wanted to be as of the moment. But I really do love quidditch," answered Draco, earning a genuine sweet smile from y/n.

"And you? What do you wanted to be?" added Draco.

Y/n also did the same thing as Draco. She began to think, as she pressed her lip together and squint her eyes. A face she would put on whenever she's thinking.

"When I was younger, I wanted to be a teacher, but now... My dreams changed," y/n slowly said. She looked at Draco and smiled, "When all of this are finally over, I wanted to help people."

"Be more specific, y/n. You wanted to be an auror?" Draco sat up straight, looking down at y/n, who was now laying her head on Draco's lap.

"No, no, no. I wanted to involve myself with philanthropic works. I wanted to jump from town to town, helping and feeding to those vulnerable people," answered y/n. She ended with a big smile. She was passionate about helping towards the people. That's all she could see herself in fro the rest of her life.

"I don't want to be labeled as an auror or be a part of the ministry. But this is what I wanted— helping," added y/n. Draco smiled when he heard that.

It was no doubt that y/n wanted to help. Her dreams made Draco smile. Yes, smile. It was genuine and warm like drinking a hot chocolate during winter break. That's what he's feeling towards y/n.

He smiled at y/n, whose face was bright red. "I knew it you'd find it funny and odd," said y/n, covering her face with her hands.

Draco removed her hands and kissed her forehead.

"Just because your dreams are different than mine. Doesn't mean they're unimportant," assured Draco, "Really, y/n. I find your dream very wonderful and I'm really proud that you wanted to do this."

"Well, thank you very much," whispered y/n. "Get up now, you need to go now."

"Are you making me leave?" pouted Draco.

"Yes, move your arse up. We don't want to hear your mum shouting at you," y/n jokingly said, holding on to Draco's hand, lifting him up.

"Wait, let's talk a bit more," he objected. Draco really want to spend his remaining time with y/n. Y/n gave in and sat beside him again.

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