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After the visit of Cedric, y/n managed to fell asleep. She was sleeping like a baby. It was all silent, nothing or no one could ever woke her up and it felt like this is perfect sleep she ever slept in a past few months. Unfortunately, she was wrong. She was woken up by a voice.

"How did you get here? I was talking to you there... And now you're here," Ron slowly said, trying to process on what is happening right now. Ron felt odd to see them right here and there. Like how on earth did that happened? Is it possible for them to do that?

Y/n rised up from her bed and saw Harry and Hermione. "What is he talking about, Harry?"

"I don't know," Answered Harry, stifling a laugh. "Honestly Ron, how can somebody be in two places at once?"

Everything went well except for y/n since Madam Pomfrey won't let her get out from her bed because she had a serious head injury due to what happened during her Professor becoming a wolf, and she needed to be taken care of. But for Ron, he was already out from the hospital wing and he felt bad for y/n. Y/n received ton of gifts and get well soon cards from her other fellow gryffindor.

Sometimes, students would visit her and say 'get well' or like 'hope to see you soon in class'. Harry would also visit her everyday and night. He would sneak out and cover his self with his invisibility cloak and when he has arrived, he would make y/n smile or like tell her some crazy adventures. And of course, who would forget the twins? Fred and George visited y/n once and they gave her sweets and even though she's still on the bed, that didn't stopped the twins to prank her every chance they got.

It wasn't just the gryffindor students who had visit her. There were also some hufflepuff and ravenclaw students but most of them were boys. A lot of students fancied her ever since she transferred here. She would  always find herself the centre of attraction and that annoyed y/n the most. She would received loads of glare coming from the girls or like boys would endlessly give her compliments. But there's one time, a boy complimented her but he took it too far.

"Can I visit y/n?" Someone asked to Madam Pomfrey.

"Don't you have a class, dear?" Replied Madam Pomfrey. Y/n couldn't recognize that voice. It was familiar to her but she doesn't know who owns that voice.

"It'll be a minute. I promise," It said, Madam Pomfrey was silent, thinking whether to allow this student to visit y/n or not. After battling with her mind, Madam Pomfrey let the student in.

Y/n heard footsteps and she was hoping that Cedric would visit her. When she turned around, it wasn't Cedric. It was a boy wearing his dark green collar robes and around his neck was his silver and emerald tie. He swiftly made his way to y/n, hoping she won't ignore him.

The boy sat beside her and placed a paper bag on her table. Y/n gave him a small smile. She have no clue what to do right now. None of them spoke yet and a heavy thick tension was building amongst them. Y/n was about to speak up but the boy did same thing.

"You go first," Said y/n, as she gestured him.

The boy took a deep breath and looked down, "How are you feeling?" When y/n heard that, she could almost laugh. She haven't talk to him for a week now since he avoided her. Now that they finally have a chance to talk, all this boy can say was 'how are you feeling'.

"You're funny, did you know that?" Y/n chuckled. The boy in front of her was completely confused.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"You've been ignoring me for a week now and this is what all you can say?"

Draco felt bad when he heard that. He knew that y/n deserved an explanation which Draco couldn't tell her yet. If he told her right now, then everything would be completely awkward for him.

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