T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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She tried to convince her two friends, but mostly it was Ron who needs to be convinced and was not completely listening to y/n's little theory because he was way too blinded by jealousy. She kept on explaining to him that their best friend, Harry did not put his name.

"Come on guys, don't you think that both of you are being harsh on Harry?" y/n said in calming way, hoping that her voice would tone down her two best friends.

"Just shut it already!" Ron snapped, causing y/n to back away from his sudden outburst. The ginger haired boy rolled his eyes and left Hermione with y/n.

"Don't tell me that you're going to his side?" y/n's voice was wrapped with anger. Hermione just sighed and ran after Ron. "Oh bloody fantastic,"

Y/n didn't want to go back from the dorm because she knew Hermione and Ron would be there. Plus, Harry wasn't did not arrive yet since he went somewhere else with Dumbledore and his company. She roamed the place a bit and found herself sitting on the bench at the courtyard.

Her thoughts flooded inside her mind, thinking a possibility that her father was now a death eater. But she didn't want to jump into some conclusions, she wanted some answers first.

"What are you thinking?" a familiar voice was heard from her left ear. She turned around to check who it was and good thing it was only Draco.

"About how I'm going to embarrass you in front of everyone," answered y/n.

Draco was confused at first and then he realized that he lost the bet. He mentally groaned to himself and sat beside y/n.

"I can't believe that I-"

"That you're not good at betting?" y/n continued the sentence and scoffed right in front of Draco, who rolled his eyes and gave her a fake laugh.

"I'm actually good at betting, you see. I decided to go easy on you," He lifted his right brow and attempting to have a modest act inside of him, but actually when in reality, he's arrogant. The girl beside him didn't want to push their conversation further about which one is good at betting. Instead she asked him,"If you won the bet, what would you do?"

A lot of things. Draco wanted to say those words but he also don't want get hit by y/n. "You don't want to know," Draco smirked and let out a chuckle. Y/n gave him a confused look and fiddle with her sleeves.

"Would you do my assignments?" Her face lit up with excitement as she clapped her hands together.

"Why the hell I would do that?"

"Don't you remember the deal?" y/n waved her hand in front of Draco's face. He looked at y/n with a stern look but he couldn't stop himself to awe at her beauty. With that, he agreed to her deal and that made y/n to be contented about her deal.

Soon, the two of them just sat there and surprisingly, y/n was quite impressed that Draco didn't utter a word about Harry. Like he was too busy to fight or complain about Harry because he was with y/n today at the courtyard. With little moments like this, Draco was grateful for it and it seems like he found some comfort to y/n. He's happy whenever y/n is smiling but when the trio was there beside here, it would irritate him so much.

"By the way, why are you here anyway?" asked Draco.

"Two of my best friends is now officially jealous at Harry. Then both of them stormed off," explained y/n as she picked the tiny little pebble beside and use a charm to float them.

Draco observer the floating pebbles and asked, "Don't tell me that you're still defending Potter even though he cheated?"

"He didn't cheated, okay?"

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