T H I R T Y - O N E

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The girl just stood there, not moving at all. She was terrified and unable to process about what happened earlier. Her body froze as if someone had used a pertificus totalus spell on her. Her face says it all, she looked like she had seen you-know-who. Her eyes are filled with the water and her lips began to quiver.

She can't see what was going on. All she know was that she was being carried by some random person or so that is what she thought. Y/n wrapped her arms around the person's neck. She smelled a scent and it was way too familiar.

A scent of mint and apple went through her nostrils. She quickly knew who it was. Later, she was brought to the hospital wing. Although, she wasn't injured or have major wounds. She was still brought inside the hospital wing.

As she was sat on the bed, the person who carried her went beside to Madam Pomfrey and began explaining about what happened. Y/n cannot hear about everything how their conversation went.

"Oh dear! Was the boy expelled?" exclaimed Madam Pomfrey as she brought her hand to her lip.

"I don't know it yet but Po- someone beat the crap out of him," said Draco. "And that's when I carried y/n all the way here,"

Madam Pomfrey looked at y/n and stood in front of her and asked, "What exactly happened, dearie?" but then she took it back when she realized that y/n haven't uttered a word yet. Madam Pomfrey fished out her wand out of her pocket and casted a spell to took off the silencing charm.

"Water. I need water," y/n let out a shakey breath. The nurse nodded and walked away to get some water. Draco went to the spot where Madam Pomfrey stood awhile ago. And so, he stood in front of y/n, giving her a sad look.

"What happened, y/n?" asked Draco.

"That bastard need to be sent off to Azkaban," replied y/n with anger lingered in her voice.

Draco widen his eyes and thought y/n was going to be weak after the whole incident earlier. But no, he was wrong. Y/n wanted to fight back and have some justice to herself. Hell, she even wanted the guy to be in Azkaban without a trial. And that made Draco mentally smile to himself, he was happy that y/n was a true gryffindor after all. She was feisty, bold, and brave. The three trait that Draco love about her.

"Don't worry. He'll get what he deserves," whispered Draco to her. Draco wanted to hug y/n and hushed her with comforting words but it was too rush and it happened to be in the wrong time. He sat beside her and held her hand, rubbing circles on the back of her hand. Y/n didn't mind though, she found it very comforting. She leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"I can't believe that he did that to you, y/n," mumbled Draco.

"Let's not talk about it yeah?" She answered back, trying to forget about what happened. Draco nodded and also leaned his head on top of her. The two of them were like this, but then Madam Pomfrey came in with a glass of water on her hand. Cedric was also there too, making the pair shifted away a bit.

Cedric hugged y/n, thankful that she is not injured or whatnot. He pulled away from the hug and faced y/n.

"Are you okay? Who is that boy? Tell me, so I can kill him. Tell me now-" Cedric wanted to go on and on, but he was cut off when y/n told him to calm down.

"Stop it now, I think that boy is dealing with Dumbledore now," said y/n, trying to calm his nerves down.

"I can't that believe in just one week it will be hell," groaned Cedric and scooted away Draco, who is now standing to let Cedric sit on the bed.

"And why is that, may I ask?"

"First, I was worried about what will be the second task and then I have to talk to Cho about the ball. And then this situation," Cedric ran his finger through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh, "Don't be sorry for me, y/n. You're like my sister that's why I have the urge to look out for you,"

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