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Cedric has left her alone in the room. Y/n took a seat and sat down whilst she waited the other students. She took out her parchment and quill and placed it on her table. The girl suddenly regretted her decision, she didn't want to be here. She wanted to go to her dorm and sleep. Her vision has overwhelmed her and this doesn't stop her from thinking about it. She needs to know and that's why she decided to meet up with Professor Trelawney after class.

The room once was filled with echoes of voices and laughter. The trio entered the room and sat beside y/n.

"What happened awhile ago?" Asked Ron, not mentioning about he ate her food earlier.

"It's just... I had a headache," She lied.

Hermione and Ron believed her, but for Harry, he knew damn well that she was lying. He knew that there's definitely something that bothering y/n ever since she got here. But he didn't know how to let y/n to spill about everything.

The class has begun and yet, y/n wasn't listening. Instead her eyes gazed out through the window. Herbology was an easy class for her so that is why she didn't pay attention that much. She began thinking about random things like: visions from last night, her parents, and her old school. But there is one thing that popped right through her head and she need the trio to listen about this idea.

"-And on Wednesday, I'll be collecting your essays. That's all," Professor Sprout announced to her students and left before them. Y/n was so busy thinking a while ago, that she didn't get why her teacher is going to collect essay on thursday. "What was that?" Hermione faced y/n whilst shoving her things at her bag. "There is a assignment about Puffapods. Did you not listen?"

"No. I was busy- besides, I have a great news by the way," She stated, making Harry and Ron turn their heads to y/n.

They waited for her to answer their questioning looks written on the their faces and finally told them, "Let's make a journal!" She squealed, grabbing the hands of Hermione.

"Aren't we too young for that?" The girl in front of her asked.

"It's not the kind of journal where you write some adventures. Let's make it enchanted," Y/n explained. She waited anxiously for them to answer. Hermione was kind of excited to see on how will they create this journal, but at the same time she was also nervous, knowing that maybe they will need to bend some rules. Ron, on the other hand, was completely confused about everything she said. And for Harry, he would always say yes to y/n, even if he needs to break some rules.

Y/n told them about her idea, which the three of them agreed. She finally left them and went by herself to find her teacher in Divination. As she reached her destination, she saw her professor.

"I knew it you'd come here," The professor said and offer y/n a tea. She sat in front of her and took her time to look at her surroundings.

"Then I guess you should explain it to me?"

As soon her professor heard that, she didn't know what to do, whether tell a slight or go for the big major explanation. Professor Trelawney looked at her, giving a judgmental look. The girl was nervous about everything. She was nervous that she might even unfold some dark secrets that lurk every corner.

"Remember that I told that you have to pick? It's coming. You have to pick the right decision," Her professor explained to y/n. Y/n remembered that day, the day where she kept on questioning what will be two choices.

"Can you tell me what will be the choices? And this time, I want it to be specific," The girl calmly demanded as she laid her hand on the table. Professor Trelawney held her hand and told her, "If you chose the right one, there'll be a rays of sunshine and bouquets of joy waiting for you. Pick the wrong path, rain of misery and regret will be on your parade,"

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