F O R T Y - S I X

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She has awoken up by her mum, telling her to get up because they are going to take a vacation somewhere else. Y/n did not asked where they are going, but she obeyed. She did her morning routine and when she was done, y/n went down to greet the others.

She's looking forward to see the responses of her friends. It was the only thing that she was happy today. Last night was dreadful, and she prayed that summer will be over and school will start again so that she can see her friends, not the face of her dad.

As she was going down, Kirk passed by her. Y/n stopped him, causing Kirk to be startled.

"Have you received any letters from the trio?" y/n asked in a rush, desperately for answers.

"Yes, Miss! Three!" said Kirk, handling the three envelopes from her friends. She was ecstatic to see their responses. Y/n thanked him and decided to read the letter whilst walking.

She opened the first one, which it was Hermione's letter:

Dear Alpheratz,

I already told the boys about this and I'm guessing that they have wrote you a letter. We will find a way to get you there. Just try to keep on updating us, yeah? Hope to see you soon xx.


Y/n felt a huge wave of relief when she read the letter of Hermione. All of her worries and anxiety were wash away when Hermione told her that the three of them will find a way to get her out of here. She held on to that promise. Next up, it was Harry's letter. Y/n expected that Harry wrote her real name instead of using the pseudonym, but she wrong. He used her nickname.


You don't deserve this, but don't you worry. Scheat, Algenib, and I will make sure that your (awful) father will face the consequences— only if you want to, of course.


Now it was Ron's turn, but before she could read the letter of his, her mum called out for her.

"What are you doing?" asked Ellora, squinting her eyes to check her letter. These past few days, she and her mother became closer than her father. Her mum tried to be the best mum she could— she cooks for her without using any magic, she always helped her in the garden, and lastly, she even told her that if there is any problems she'll be glad to help her out.

"Erm, nothing, mum," said y/n, putting the letters behind her back. Ellora slowly nodded and continued to walk away. Y/n sighed, as she placed her hand on her chest.

She held Ron's letter, looking both left and right to check if there is no one watching her.

"Alone atlast," sighed y/n, opening the envelope from Ron.

Y/— Alpheratz,

If you don't want to stay anymore from your Manor, you could always stay here at ours. Mum and Dad would be ecstatic to see you again. Plus, Ginny want to hang out with you. That's all for now, bye-bye.

P. S
Reply soon, okay?

-Scheat (even though I hate that name)

Everytime y/n read the letters from Ron, she would always laugh like there's no tomorrow. Her day was now complete when she read all the three letters from them. She even decided that maybe later she will write a response for them.

As she was done reading the letters, she finally made her way to kitchen, only to found her father. She doesn't know what to do, and so the first thing that came up in her mind was to avoid his gaze and grab some breakfast so that she can alone in her room. She only picked up her favourite and was ready to step outside from the kitchen.

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