S E V E N T Y - E I G H T

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It's been months that Draco has been searching for her. Town after town, he never stopped looking for her. There are times that he wanted to give up, but the dream he had last month about a young girl, reminding him that he made a promise for y/n. 

Each day, he would remind himself about the promise to keep him motivated. 

Draco remained in the cottage, using it as his rest house. Nighttime has fallen and at this time everyone in the neighborhood has fallen asleep. He laid his index finger on the glass.

He wrote his wish. He wished to find y/n.

Draco remembered the day when y/n told him that when she was a little child; her father would tell her to write one wish on the foggy window. Y/n had done it, and she thinks her father was lying since her wish didn't come true.

But now, it was Draco's turn, he wrote his one wish on the window, praying hard that it will come true. Once he was done, he did his usual evening routine all alone by himself.

He grabbed his wand and wrapped himself with his cloak.

Malfoy Manor. He thought to himself, and with that he apparated on his way to his own house.

Upon his arrival, his mum was busy doing something. When she heard a loud crack in front of the door, she saw Draco. She felt a huge wave of relief seeing that her son is alive and in one piece.

"Is that you, Draco? Oh my merlin! It's actually you!" Narcissa immediately ran to her son's direction. It felt like eons that she never seen her son. Draco gave her a curt nod. His mother noticed the change of his attitude. Narcissa softly held her son's hand. "What happened?" she asked in a sad voice.

Of course, no one knew that y/n had been missing for months now. Draco thought that it was only himself who knew this, but little did he know, the trio was also trying to find her. Hermione was the frantic one, tapping the pendant all day long, trying to contact her whilst they're trying to find the gryffindor's sword.

"Nothing," he answered, looking away.

"Nothing?" she repeated. "You went missing for— I don't know? Three or four months? And then you came back, telling me that nothing happened to you? That's absurd."

"Mum, nothing did happened to me. During those months, I was busy."

"Busy? And why do you have some cuts and bruises then?" Narcissa pointed out, cupping his face. Draco looked down on his feet.

During his voyage, he had encountered the bad side of the Wizarding world. Sometimes, he would end up with bruises on his stomach caused by a group of snatchers. Even if he was hurt, he would still continue to look for her.

"Don't worry, mum. I'll clean this up later," he mumbled. Narcissa sighed in reply, wondering what went wrong to her son. Her son wasn't like this before. In that moment, she knew that something is wrong. Draco turned his heel away and went upstairs. Before he could even enter his room, Draco saw her aunt with her usual weird grin on her face.

Bellatrix Lestrange stood in front of his door, stretching her arms open to hug her so-called favourite nephew.

"Ahh! My nephew, you came back from the dead!" she chuckled, waving her wand in the air. "I have a new friend to introduce to you!"

He hesitated. Draco didn't want anyone to bother him right now, but seeing the pleading eyes of his aunt, he complied. "Who is it?" asked Draco.

Bellatrix lead Draco downstairs, pushing him forward, only to find a guy sitting on the couch.

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