F I F T Y - S E V E N

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He shakes his head no.

Proteus looked at him and gave a short nod. Behind him, Hermione felt a wave of relief. Draco turned his back and walked away. After interrogating each students, they were all dismissed and all of them went back to their normal routines. On the other hand, the trio rushed and went to find y/n.

The three of them arrived, y/n jumped up and down, looking happy as if she never saw them for a very long time.

"You're here!" exclaimed y/n.

"We just saw each other earlier, right?" asked Harry.

"I know, but it felt like I haven't saw the three of you for the longest time. It's weird, I must say," answered y/n. "Are they already gone?"

"Yes," replied Hermione. Soon, there was an awkward silence, y/n noticed that something is bothering them. She stood there, giving odd look to each one of them.

"I can't help it , but why are you looking at me like that?" she asks.

"You've been sneaking out with Malfoy behind our back?" asked Ron, causing y/n to cross her arms.

"Is that what you're worried about?" said y/n. Both Ron and Harry gave her a stern look whilst Hermione is prepping herself before they could even start a fight.

Before Ron could answer her, y/n stormed off, causing Hermione to walk in front of the boys."Way to go, Ron. You've pissed her off," said Hermione. Ron scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"She's hanging out with that git! You know that he's awful right?" asked Ron.

"Plus, we know all too well about that he's bad news. I can't see why shes hanging out with him," Harry spoke, disgusted look is written all over his face.

"Yes, I know, but you could've talked to her in a nice way. Not pissing her off," remarked Hermione.


They were inside the tiny little room filled students. Today is the day where Harry will be forming a group. A group will actually learn rather than sitting and listening to Professor Umbridge.

The trio sat in front whilst y/n sat beside Luna. She was still mad at them.

"I don't know why I'm here," mumbled y/n, loudly enough so that Ron and Harry would hear her.

"You can always leave, right? Why not do that?" she asked.

"I mean, I could, but even though I'm salty towards them— I still love them," answered looking at the trio.

Luna then nodded. Later on, Harry began speaking in front. As he, Ron, and Hermione was speaking in front, she couldn't help to drift off. She began imagining things.

"... If you could tell more about how he died," a boy spoke, causing y/n to snap back from reality. She cleared her left ear, hoping if she heard that right.

Harry looked at y/n and then say, "I'm not going to talk you about Cedric, if that's why you're here." Harry then whispered something to Hermione.

Meanwhile, the girl beside y/n stood up. Of course being the curious ravenclaw she was, she asked if Harry could really produce a patronus charm. Not long after, Ron, Hermione, and the others began bragging all the accomplishments of Harry.

A guy beside y/n rolled his eyes and scoffed. Y/n took all the strength she could muster and defended Harry.

"He did all of those things, really. If you're just going to give that attitude, you might as well leave," replied y/n. And with that, the boy zipped his mouth and scooted away from her.

Harry told them it was sheer luck. Y/n didn't believe that it was just any luck. She knew that Harry was great at things like these. Even though, he might be a nutter and a sassy best friend, she knew believed in him.

After he was done talking, they were already convinced. Names were already written on the paper and it was y/n's turn to write her name.

She looked at them and raised her right brow.

"Is this necessary?" asked y/n, grabbing the quill and pointed at the parchment.

"Only if you want to," replied Harry.

She wrote her name. Y/n Guildford. Already a part of Dumbledore's Army.

"I thought you won't-"

"I did this because I have nothing else to do whilst stuck inside the room," y/n quickly said, dropping the quill.

"Or maybe, you couldn't resist us because you love us," said Hermione.

"Who told you that? Is that source reliable?" she asked, earning a chuckle from Harry.

Slowly, Hermione opened her arms, hugging y/n. Harry and Ron followed suit. "You better teach us good or else, this would be such a waste," chuckled y/n.

"Of course I would do good. I'm the chosen one!" Harry pulled away and smirked.

"Yeah, tell that to my hand, Harry."

The meeting was finally over and all they need is to find a place to practice. Ginny suggested, but then Harry declined.

"How about forbidden forest?" suggested Hermione.

"What's with you and the forbidden forest lately?" asked Ron.

"I think I'm already regretting this," blurted y/n, clutching on Neville's arm, using it as a shield.

Ginny looked at her and then asks, "What if Professor Umbridge does find out?"

Hermione chimed in, giving them a weird smile. A smile that is very un-Hermione.

"Who cares? I mean— it's kind of exciting isn't? Breaking the rules," chuckled Hermione. Y/n gave her a horrifying look and so did Ron.

I broke a rule and that is: escaping. It's not exciting, Hermione. Y/n thought to herself.

"Who are you and what have you done to Hermione Granger?" asked Ron, adding a chuckle.

They walked in front, y/n is still clutching on Neville's arm, her beanie is cover her face. It was getting colder and colder these days, and that is what y/n hated the most. They finally arrived inside their common room, y/n quickly sat in front of the fireplace, rubbing her hands together.

Hermione and the two boys followed suit.

"You're not sneaking out?" Harry asked her.

Instead of making a rude remark again, she shook her head from left to right.

"Really?" Ron clarified it to her.

"Yes, really. Besides, I have better things to do," y/n smirked.

Hermione bunched her brows, "What's that?"

Y/n sat up straight and gave them a warm smile. "I never hanged out with you guys often. Ron had classes, Harry is always busy, and Hermione is keeping herself occupied each day. And I'm just here... Doing nothing."

"Let's sneak off then?" Harry courageously asked.

Y/n smirked as she thought a brilliant place to go at this time.

"Forbidden forest, everyone?" and with that, Hermione squealed yes. Ron and Harry have the same expression. Worried look.

hey loves!

Sorry for the short update, but don't worry the next one will be long. Hope you liked this one. By the way, I had a rough day today that caused me to have a mental breakdown.

Announcement! I have published a new book and if you wanted to read it just go to my profile!

Have a magical day ahead and take care of yourselves! Xx

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