T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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The four of them walked and awe as they watched the people flying on their brooms. A lot of wizard and witches coming from different countries gathered today to watch the quidditch world cup. She have never seen thousands of people laughing, singing, and wavering their own country flag.

Amos, Cedric, and y/n decided to split ways with the others. They told them that they will meet up later when the game starts. Amos led the two kids inside the tent. At first, y/n was confused about the small tent. She even thought that the three of them were not going to fit in there, but she was wrong. As she stepped foot inside, her eyes couldn't believe it. Inside the tent was big, it has everything in there.

Y/n told them that she's going to the tent where the trio stayed. Amos told her to stay safe as she travel to their tent. Y/n had reached her destination and saw the twins together on the table whilst Ron was in the kitchen, trying to find some food. She saw Ginny and Hermione as well, unpacking their stuff. Harry saw her walked in and he approached her.

"Er- How's summer?" asked Harry, trying to be less awkward he is. Y/n smiled as she recall the last event but then vanished as she remembered Draco Malfoy being invited to er father's grand welcome party for her. She forced a smile plastered on her face and say, "It's nice, I even saw my best friend, Linus,"

Harry's confused look were shown in his face. He didn't remembered y/n mentioning a guy named Linus. He couldn't even recall if y/n had mention a guy in their conversation or maybe he was too busy looking at her rather than listening to what she was saying. Don't get me wrong, Harry was also interested in everything she told him, but he was more invested on looking at her beautiful appearance.

"Who's that?" said Harry, concealing his tone of jealousy in his voice.

"Remember the time, I told you that I have a crush back in Beauxbatons? That's him," answered y/n as she sat down on the chair.

"Do you still have a crush on him?" Harry asked quickly. Suddenly, he realized what he had said to y/n, making him to cuss in his thoughts.

Y/n laughed and patted the shoulder of Harry, who was even more confused about what was going on right now. "Oh godric no! He have a girlfriend right now," When Harry heard that, a rush of relief hit him. His tense shoulder awhile ago was now in a relaxed way. He was happy and when y/n told him that she is no longer have a crush on that boy, which cause him to have a slight hope in y/n.

They were both talking but then Ron decided to ruin the moment, and Hermione also joined the three.

"Which player you're rooting for?" asked Hermione to the three. Ron quickly raised his hand and answered, "Viktor Krum!" y/n could definitely tell that Ron have this weird infatuation with Viktor Krum. Ron saw the weird face of y/n, he shoots her a glare and mouthed 'what'.

"You really like that guy?"

"He's amazing! So what?" Ron said in a obvious tone.

Harry, Hermione, and y/n laughed. Their conversation goes on and on about the game today. As they were talking, y/n told them, "Guys, if someone came up to you and asked where I was, just tell them you haven't see me for a very long time," The trio slowly nodded.

Arthur called them and went outside to watch the game. The stadium was filled with thousands roars of people cheering their favourite team. They kept on walking and it seems they are not going to halt any time soon.

"Hey y/n! How are you?" asked the twins.

"As of now, I'm bloody exhausted from all the walking and whatnot," sighed y/n, still walking up the staircase.

"We can carry you if you're up for it," offered George. Y/n chuckled and kindly declined their offer. Ginny walked beside her and y/n never thought that Ginny was actually beside her, she always thought that Ginny hated her for no reason.

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