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The three just looked at Hermione, excitement filled their faces. The constellation intrigued Hermione that's why she loves them so much, along with y/n as well.

Sometimes the two would sneak at night and go to the astronomy tower. They would also play a game like: what kind of star is that or mine's constellation is brighter than yours. This is their thing which they can't share it with others.

"Constellation?" asked Ron.

"Group of stars forming a pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form," answered y/n. Ron gave her a scowl look.

"I know what it is," Ron playfully rolled his eyes at y/n.

"So what kind of constellation?" Harry asked the two girls facing in front of him. Hermione fished out a paper coming from the pocket of her robes. Once she pulled that out, she unfolded it and a drawing of different patterns of stars were shown.

Their eyes started searching for the right name for their own little group. As for y/n, she wasn't looking at the others. She was looking at her favourite constellation and that is, the scorpius. She doesn't know why she loved that. During her childhood, she was deadly afraid of scorpion and as she grew older, she learned herself to overcome her fear.

"How about this?" Harry pointed at the drawing. Y/n saw it and she quickly knew what it was.

"That's the pegasus constellation," answered y/n.

"Pegasus? As in the winged horse?" Ron asked the three of his best friends. Harry observed the pattern, he was amazed by it. He wanted this to be their group name, but Hermione wasn't sure if she liked it. She kind of wanted to go for the big ones. Ron noticed that the three haven't answered his question which it annoyed him.

"Well? Is there someone going to answer me or not?" Ron lifting his two hands and gently placing on the table. Y/n finally shaked out of her thoughts and answered him with a nod.

"So we call ourselves each other pegasus? Harry the pegasus, Hermione the pegasus, y/n the pegasus?" As soon he asked that, Ron felt a hand slapped at the back of his head, and it was Harry's hand. The two girl laughed and shake their heads.

"No, you idiot. We're going to call our group 'The Pegasus', not each other," Harry explained whilst Ron soothe the pain that Harry gave him.

"And what are we going to call each other? You know like a nickname?" Ron suggested.

"How about the four stars in the square of Pegasus?" replied Hermione, and pointed at the four stars: Scheat, Alpheratz, Markab and Algenib.

"I'll be Algenib. Harry you'll be Markab whilst Ron is Scheat and lastly, y/n would be Alpheratz," said Hermione as she pointed out the names of the four stars. On the other hand, Ron couldn't believe that his name would rhyme the word cheat. He thought the pronunciation of Scheat would be different, but unfortunately he was wrong and he's disappointed about it.

"Seriously? Scheat? A name that exactly rhyme with the word cheat?" He asked in disbelief.

"What were you expecting? Shee-yat would be the pronounciation?"

"Uh.. Kind of, but still! It rhymes with cheat and I bloody don't like it all," Ron huffed like a child and crossed his arms.

"Oh come on Ron! Don't be a wee baby. Besides, I think it's awsome," y/n tried to enlighten him up but he's still being stubborn.

Such a baby. Y/n thought.

"I think that's a great name for you, Ron. Remember first year?" Harry nudge at his friend. Harry laughed as he recall the first time that they are going to take the exam which Ron wasn't prepared at all, and the last thing he remember was Ron's reply to Hermione and it goes like this, "Copy off you?"

"That's not a great memory Harry," Ron looked mortified when he took a glance of Hermione. Ron is still scared of Hermione up until now. He remember the death glare he received from the brown haired girl.

"What happened back then?" y/n asked, trying to catch up with their little adventures back when she wasn't transferred here at Hogwarts yet.

"Oh you know the usual. Ron would start by saying something stupid and then Hermione would get mad. In the end, they would both fight and then-" Harry explained but was later cut off by the hand of Ron, fully covering them with his greasy hand. Harry removed his hand away from him and immediately wiped his lip.

"Your hand smell and taste like chicken!" Harry screamed, still wiping his lip with a napkin. Ron let out a evil laugh and took a bite from his chicken, devouring it like this is the last chicken on earth. Y/n was laughing at her two best friends but for Hermione, she was rather disgusted than being amused by their little show at the great hall. Despite everything, she love her friends more than anything.

"I'm glad that we finally shared some good laughs," said y/n, giving the three a big smile. It was rare for them to hang out since they couldn't go roam around whilst a prisoner is on the loose. They wished that this moment could last forever therefore, there wouldn't be so much trouble anymore.

"Well, we should be going back to the common room," Ron suggested as he got up from his seat, also followed by Hermione, who took a one last sip from her water goblet. They stepped out of the great hall, leaving the other fellow gryffindors.

Draco watch her leave the great hall with the trio at her side. He was heartbroken after seeing that y/n was happy being with them and this made his confidence drained away from his body, knowing that he couldn't stand a chance with y/n. Shortly after, he didn't realized that he's letting out his anger by stabbing his food with a fork.

"Hey are you okay?" a fellow slytherin aksed him, it was Pansy Parkinson. The girl who fancies Draco since the day she met him. Pansy was in love with Draco, but sadly his heart belongs to someone else. Not pansy. But y/n.

"I'm bloody fantastic," He said with sarcasm. He wished that he could go near to her, but being the coward he was, he didn't. Draco envied Harry so much and seeing his enemy close to the girl he liked, drives him insane. His mind filled with imagination of her and him being together but as of now, it doesn't look like that.

When it comes to y/n, he's vulnerable like a fragile glass. He is a different person whenever y/n talks to him. In everyone's eyes y/n is a perfect girl but he can see through right inside her and he can something that is very complicated to explain.

Her smile is everything.

Draco smiled to himself as he thought of y/n's smile and with that, Goyle looked at him like he's crazy. Earlier today, his look was nothing but a scowl written on his face and now he is smiling from ear to ear.

Yup, he's definitely bipolar. Goyle thought, as he look again from Draco's face.

The feast was finally over and Draco left his posse at the great hall. He went to his dorm and grabbed a parchment. As he took it, he began writing.

Y/n l/n,

Meet me later at the astronomy tower.

Draco Malfoy.

"Give this to y/n," He said as he gave his letter to his owl. The owl obeyed him and flew away. Draco sat from the sofa, waiting anxiously for the reply of y/n to arrive.

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