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She woke up, noticing that she wasn't on her own bed. Y/n sat up straight and talked to Madam Pomfrey, convincing that she was fine to go now. After one to three of convincing Madam Pomfrey she finally let y/n leave the hospital wing. She looked at the clock and it was already morning. Before she could go hang with her friends at the great hall, she went to her dorm to changed her clothes.

After she was finished fixing her clothes and things, y/n finally made her way to the great hall. As she stepped inside, people were nonstop asking her like 'Are you okay y/n?' or like 'You want some sweets to cheer you up?' and worst of all is, 'Do you need my love to cure you?' and yes, that was quite gross, y/n thought.

People were now swarming her way but she still managed to made her way to the gryffindor table. She sat beside Harry and sitting in front of her was Ron and Hermione.

"Good morning everyone!" greeted y/n. The golden trio returned their greeting with a big smile.

"How well did you sleep y/n?" Harry asked, trying to ignore the fact that he almost spilled his confession yesterday.

"It's alright, I guess," She smiled then went back to her food and started chewing. Her day started like a normal day, but little did she know- there's a war, it's not just any war, it's a war for her heart.

While she was eating, an owl flew above her head and gave y/n a letter and with a tiny box. She bid thanks to the owl and pick up her letter. She wasn't expecting that she would received a letter today. She grab the parchment paper, only to read that it was from an anonymous person.

Dear y/n,

I heard that you went to the hospital wing and I hope you're doing well now. To make you feel even better, there is some sweets inside the box.

Rest well xx

After she read the letter, she quickly grab the tiny box and opened it. It was real, there's some sweets inside the box. She just smiled and shove a candy into her mouth. On the other hand, the golden trio was quite confused, well it was mostly Harry that was confused and all.

"Oh bloody hell! You have loads of sweets y/n! May I take some?" asked the hungry ginger, Ron. She let Ron took some of her sweets but she wasn't expecting that this boy would grab a handful of chocolate frogs.

Hermoine rolled her eyes as she saw Ron pigging out his food."Can't you just stop eating for a while?!" Hermione exclaimed, while slamming her hands at the back of Ron's head.

"If I don't eat, I will starved to death. You don't want that right Hermione?"

Y/n and Harry just laughed as they watch Hermione and Ron arguing.

"Who gave you that by the way?" Harry asked y/n.

"Um.. I don't know. There's no name in the letter."

"You got yourself a secret admirer y/n! Aww how charming!" cooed Hermione. For the brown haired girl, it was sweet but for Ron it was terrifying.

"You mean, she got herself a stalker. We don't even know that sweets might be poisoned," Harry said, in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone. Ron, on the other hand, spat all of his food coming from his mouth. That's not a blody great idea, Ron thought.

Despite all of this, y/n thinks that it was sweet and creepy at the same time. She wanted to know who wrote this letter and maybe if she met this anonymous person she would give thanks to him. Y/n was clueless but for Harry, he knew.

Harry looked over to the slytherin table and there he was, Draco, giving his famous smirk.

i'm deeply sorry that this chapter was so short and i hope that you enjoyed reading this :> have a merry day/night loves xx

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