T H I R T Y - T W O

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One day. It is one day left before we could see the boys wearing their dress robes and girls twirling in their marvelous gowns. All of them were frantic, as the time ticks by. There are no classes today since it is the day where all of them were going to practice their last dance. Y/n hurried as she wore her robes and went down to meet the trio.

She saw Hermione talking to Harry and Ron about something. Hermione reminded herself that y/n's situation was still 'Mission Alert' and so what she did was, she left the boys there and pulled y/n away, still avoiding Harry's invitation. As they walked out of the common room, y/n let out a relief sigh.

"Thank you for saving me out there," y/n breathed out and patted Hermione's shoulder.

"You're welcome," said Hermione proudly. The pair went to the great hall and began eating without waiting the boys. Even though Harry wasn't there at the great hall but there is one boy looking at y/n. Y/n felt that his eyes were observing her and she couldn't stop fidgeting from her seat and tugging the robes of Hermione.

"What?" Hermione asked rather annoyed that y/n was disturbing her whilst eating her food.

"Don't make it obvious but I feel like Draco is looking at our direction," whispered y/n, making it sure that it wasn't loud enough to let the other students hear their conversation. Hermione, on the other hand, didn't listen to her. So she turned around and saw Draco was indeed looking at their direction, well more like looking at y/n.

"Wait, is he walking this way?" Hermione faced y/n once again, who kept on stuffing her mouth with food. Y/n nodded and drank water which she almost choke, making Hermione rather confused about why y/n was rushing to eat her food.

"Let's go," mumbled y/n and stood up from her chair, leaving Hermione behind. Before Draco could reach their table, y/n quickly dashed out, not caring if she push someone.

"Where is she going?" Draco asked the best friend of y/n, Hermione.

When Hermione told Draco that she didn't know, The boy who lived came in and saw Malfoy standing in front of Hermione. Ron was also there too, confused why the slytherin is at their table.

"Well, I'm going to find y/n now," Hermione quickly said and ran after to look for y/n. Potter and Malfoy was facing at each other whilst Ron was in the middle. All of the students could feel the raging heat between them, eager to watch about what will happen next.

Fred and George saw the two star player of each opposite house  and truth to be told, even though that they already cut off the deal with y/n. There will be a possibility that Great hall will be damned.

"I'm guessing that you're attempting to ask y/n out?" Malfoy scoffed, annoyed that Potter was asking y/n for the yule ball.

"Me attempting? Don't speak too soon, Malfoy," answered Harry.

Draco eyed him up and down, and took a step closer to him. "You think that y/n could have you. Let me tell you something, you can't," He hissed and walked away from Potter and Weasley. As he walked away, Harry turned to Ron and gave him a look, showing that he's definitely pissed off by Malfoy. Both Ron and Harry sat beside the twins.

"What the bloody hell was that?" asked Fred, bunching his brows.

"Malfoy told Harry that he can't take out y/n for the ball tomorrow," explained Ron whilst he filled his plate with food.

"Is that so? What's your plan then, Harry?" The other twin asked Harry.

Harry shrugged and began to eat as he drifted off to think how on earth is he going to ask y/n before Malfoy could ask her out. Whilst they were eating, y/n and Hermione went back to the astronomy tower since practice haven't started yet. Y/n let out a frustrated groan and brought her hands to her roots.

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