F I F T Y - T H R E E

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It was morning, she woke up not in her old dorm room, but she woke up in Hagrid's hut. She almost forgot how she got here, but then suddenly remembered that after waking Hermione up in the middle of the night, she went straight to Hagrid's. Not to be seen by Filch or Umbridge, who she haven't met yet.

Y/n remembered the letter from the trio when they first got back to Hogwarts. The trio told her that Umbridge has a face like a toad. She wasn't sure if she was entirely right.

To see is to believe, right?

Last night, right before y/n woke up Hermione in her sleep, the Order went to talk with Dumbledore. When the discussion was finally over, Dumbledore finally knew why he haven't seen y/n for quite some time here in Hogwarts. Despite of this, he understood the situation of y/n. Rather than pitying her, he instead welcome her back in Hogwarts with open arms.

The only thing that she's worried about is that, she can't be seen. If someone saw her then it'll be just one call away to pick her up by her parents. And so, Dumbledore suggested that it's for the best if she cannot be seen by anyone, only the trio and her other close friends. What she needs to be careful around is Umbridge.

She obeyed Dumbledore's order. If she doesn't follow his rules, then surely she'll end up again with her parents, and she will be thrown back to Beauxbaton.

Y/n is happy that she found the right people, right place, and right time. At this moment, she wished this moment to last forever. Only if there was spell like that, then maybe everything could've turn out right.

She rise up from the couch and stretched her arms upward, as she released a tired yawn. When she looked around, Hagrid wasn't there. All she found in here was the full made breakfast and one little piece of parchment.

She went to that direction, only to found that parchment was a letter from Hagrid.

Went somewhere. Be safe, kid.


She was expecting that the letter would be long. Sadly, she was wrong. She did her usual morning routine and planned out the whole morning, thinking how will she surprise the trio.

After an hour, she cleaned up the dishes and went outside, hoping that no one would see her. As she was walking stealthily, she passed by a bunch of students. Surprisingly, no one noticed her. Y/n missed this place. All of it.

Every path brings nostalgic memories to her, every carves of the bricks reminded of what home really looks like, everything from Hogwarts really struck to her heart. She really does missed this place— including the people as well. Of course, let us not mention the name of Peeves, who by the way, pranks her all the time. Not to mention all the worst jokes he told her.

She have finally arrived at the castle. No students were seen today because class has begun. She roamed around a little bit and passed by the library. Looking both left and right to check if someone is out there. Luckily, no one is here.

She slowly crept inside, hoping the librarian won't see her. She walked passed by her successfully and went to find some interesting books to read.

"If only Hermione was here right now, then she and I would be reading right away," she whispered to herself, as she rummaged through the bookshelves.

Books after books, she finally found one. She grabbed the book, but the on the other side of shelves, it seems like someone is grabbing the same book too. The other pulled it whilst y/n pulled it back to her. Soon, both of them were pulling side by side, fighting for the book.

"Are you going to let it go or not? Because I could do this all day long," said the other. The voice sounded so determined like its not going to stop until the other have this book.

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