T W E N T Y - S I X

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The four of them entered their class, which is Defense Against the Dark Arts. Y/n really liked this class before but as of now, it changed because she have a bad feeling about their new teacher. It wasn't because on how he looked, not to mention the big one eye of his. But the real reason was whenever he's there, she felt there's something wrong about him.

He walked in front and wrote Moody on the blackboard. His introduction was short as if he needed to go somewhere important rather than teaching in this class. Y/n noticed that he wrote the unforgivable curse on the board and she knew this instant that their new teacher is completely mental.

"Out of all teachers in the world, this is what Dumbledore hired?" y/n whispered to Hermione as she brought her hand to her face, feeling the second hand embarrassment.

"I know right! And look at his eye, why does it looks like that?" replied Hermione. Both of them turned their head to look at his eye. They both shivered with disgust as his eye looked left and right. It's like his eye has a mind of its own and it was creeping them out.

"Granger and Guildford! Are you two listening?!" Moody called out, pointing the end of the chalk at them. Hermione and y/n didn't uttered a word. They just looked at each other and avoided the question of their professor.

"C'mon speak up!" His voice boomed throughout the room and can be heard outside. Hermione need to act fast because she don't want to be in trouble and as for, y/n. She wasn't  listening at all to what Moody had said. It's not because she wasn't interested. She was bothered by his act and especially his eye.

"Er- there are three, Sir. If you use one of them will earn you a one way ticket to-"

To hell. Y/n finished the sentence of Hermione in thought.

"Azkaban. Correct! Now, they say that each one of you are way too young to see what these curses do. But, I say different!" He kept on rambling but he stopped when he threw a chalk behind. The boy named, Seamus jolted and felt a wave of relief, chuckling to himself that he didn't got hit by the chalk.

"It's your turn to talk, Guildford. Give us a curse,"

"Well there is one that my father told me— actually, I heard it, not told— and it was the Imperious curse," replied the girl beside Hermione.

"Heard it, eh? I bet you already heard something you don't know about. Enough of that, let's move on shall we?" Their professor quickly told to his students and went over to the place where various different insects were displayed. He grabbed the jar, opened it, and carefully picked up the spider.

Ron stiffened as he saw the spider. He wasn't fond of the thought that their new teacher decided to use a spider on this class. Why can't be the butterflies? That would be so much fine. Ron thought, still fixated on the spider. He would be lying right now if he had told someone that he wasn't scared at all, and if you have a chance to play would you rather with him. And one of the option includes a spider, then he would pick the other option. Even though if it was the option to die.

"Don't worry. This one is completely harmless"

"What do you mean completely harmless? That spider could kill us any minute now," y/n complained to her best friend, Hermione, who nodded in agreement. They watched their lunatic professor controlling the spider floating in the air and bringing it to each student's desk. The spider flew right at Draco's face, who was laughing earlier but now he was screaming to his seatmate to get rid of it.

Moody kept playing with the spider and continued his lesson, "Now who can tell me the next curse? Everyone?" He asked the whole student in front, and each one of them raised their hands, but none of them didn't get their attention to Moody, but instead he called Neville up front.

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