F I F T Y - T W O

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Her eyes lit up when she saw the familiar lights of London. It was finally early in the morning and most of people in here is either asleep or awake. She missed this. All of this, but sadly, she can't go out if she was seen from the prying eyes of some death eaters.

If only there was no evil in this world, then maybe every single thing would turn out great. No you-know-who, no death eaters, no violence. Only peace and harmony— but as for y/n and everyone included, it was the opposite.

A rising tension between the Dark Lord and the Chosen one, is what everyone received. As for the Ministry of Magic, they didn't believe in everything about what Harry told everyone and that is: The Dark Lord has return.

Her mind drifted off, but her eyes were focused on her broom, not wanting to die from heights.

"Hey! Y/n! Get down!" Tonks said down below. Y/n blinked her eyes and look at Tonks.

"What, why?!" shouted y/n, as the sudden rush wind blew.

"Lupin told me he saw something. He don't know what that is, but he's concerned for everyone's safety," replied Tonks. Y/n then nodded and lowered her broom.

"It's not safe flying anymore. It seems someone is following us," Remus told them. Moody and Sirius hummed in agreement and all of them decided to land.

Once they were safely landed, y/n looked around and asked them where they were. Instead of receiving an answer from them, all she received was nothing. She followed the adults, walking along with Tonks and Sirius.

"Is someone really out there?" asked y/n, looking at Sirius.

"Remus told me that it was a death eater. Nevertheless, we need to be careful always," answered Sirius.

Tonks breathed in and decided to join in with their conversation. "If Remus was right. Then, we better hurry or else that death eater could be one call away to your father. We would be-"

She stopped when she realised that she had told y/n about her father. The Order decided to tell y/n about this when they got back to Hogwarts, but of course, having the unstoppable mouth she have, Tonks really couldn't stop blabbering about things she shouldn't have mentioned.

On the other hand, Sirius stopped and shot Tonks with a look saying, 'will shut it just for one second' expression. Tonks' face turned bright red and sheepishly looked down instead looking at Sirius and y/n.

"Oh, you already knew? How?" asked y/n, bunching her brows as she wandered how did they get a piece of information about her father.

"Moody told us and... I remember seeing your father with a death eater," he simply answered and then continued on, "How about you? How did you know?"

"I've kind of eavesdropped when I passed by from my father's office and it was like... They were having some sort of meeting. The last thing I heard from was tournament, port key, and he shall return. And when tri-wizard came up, Barty who pretended as Professor Moody kind of told me," y/n told them the rest of the story whilst the pair just nodded.

As they entered a very small dusty place, they finally settled inside. Sirius flopping himself onto the couch, Moody looking at his map, Remus and Tonks were talking.

Meanwhile, y/n sat alone by the hearth, warming herself up. As she stared at the fire, she began imagining about what will happen if the trio saw her. She knew that they will be ecstatic to see her, but one thing that bothers her is that blonde pale haired boy.

What if he saw me? Will he be surprised or angry or upset?

Of course, she didn't know the answers to all of these question. Only the universe knows, and y/n can hardly wait to see his expression. During her stay at Beauxbaton, she always thought of Draco. She missed him so much— wonder if Draco also misses her too.

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