T H I R T Y - F I V E

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This is not good. Not good at all, she thought to herself. How come he's here? Out of all places why is here anyway? Does he have some important business in here? Did he just come here to grab some foods perhaps? Is he trying to look for me? With the last question she asked to herself, she instantly snapped and mentally kicked herself for thinking that.

None of them answered. Earlier, Ginny was talkative and all. Now she wasn't talking, all you could hear now was their breathing. It was lie of course, y/n would never kissed Draco. Well sometimes, she would fantasize about someone kissing her. But not Draco of course— or at least that is what she thought.

"Well we should go now," Cedric slowly said, breaking the whole weird silent tension. The three girls agreed with him and followed Cedric.

"You have something with you y/n and I like to have it back," Draco raised his brow, showing that his deadly serious about this. On the other hand, y/n didn't get him though. She don't understand what Draco told her.

Something with me? She internally asked herself.

Y/n just gave him a questioning look, but her expression was gone when Draco pointed at the basket. The basket full of green apples.

Oh, is that what he's looking for?

"Finders keepers, looser weepers," scoffed y/n, as she tugged in her apples.

"That's now how it works," Draco argued back and took a step closer to her.

It seems like the two forgot that Cedric, Hermione, and Ginny was still there, watching them arguing.

"Oh, so you're the one who's making the rules now?" said y/n, returning his infamous smirk. Y/n got him there, he wasn't talking at all. Instead, he took a step closer to her. It was intense— very intense. She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks and painting it with a slight shade of red. Everything was so close. So damn close.

Before anything could happen, a cough was heard from Cedric, who's giving Draco a deathly look. If looks could kill then Draco would be dead by now.

"We'll just leave you then," blurted Ginny and pulled Cedric and Hermione away from the heated moment. When the three of them rushed outside, leaving Draco and y/n all alone at the kitchen.

Once they were out, y/n suck in a breath, gathering all the strength that she could muster, "Are you ready for tomorrow?" she whispered to him. Y/n was happy for tomorrow, but then everything went back when she remembered something.

"Yes, you?" Draco asked in a hasty way, hoping that this conversation would end. So that, he can finally get what he wanted and that is; his damn green apples.

"I am Guildford. All Guildford's are prepared," she straightened her collar and gave him a show off look.

"But are you prepared for this?" said Draco, as he took a dangerous step closer to her. Their nose slightly touch and her breath hitch. They were close, very close indeed that you could even hear their heart beat. So close that both of them could smelled each other's scent. So deadly close that they could almost kiss.

They stood there for a minute, y/n placed her hand on his chest, feeling the rhythm of his heart. It was fast as if someone followed him and chase after him. He felt that he was in heaven but the image of heaven was y/n. Y/n Guildford. He started to lean on and so did y/n. Just a few seconds, the dream of Draco Malfoy will be fulfilled.

Nose touching.

His hand was placed on her jaw.

Her hand was placed on his chest.

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