F I F T Y - O N E

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She received a letter from Molly, her heart raced from excitement. She opened up the letter as she flopped herself on the bed. Y/n have been waiting for this moment to come, and she was overly excited when she saw the neat cursive handwriting from Molly.

Dear y/n,

I wrote as fast as possible I could. The Order told me to inform you that they're going to get you. I haven't told the trio yet, but I know that they will be happy to hear about this. Just hang in there and don't worry about a thing. They got everything in order, just don't tell anyone about this, okay?

Be safe, love.

M. W

She leaped up and down, as she waved the parchment. This is the best news that she had ever received today—it made her day gleamed with hope and excitement. Yesterday, all she felt was nothing, but exhaustion from her studies and her roommates. Speaking of her roommates, she was absolutely tired from hearing all the negative words coming from Alexis' mouth and not to mention about the twin's whining.

Her roommates were the worst roommates ever and she can't stand it anymore.

"I just need to wait the Sirius and the others to get me out of here. Soon, I will not see their faces anymore," y/n mumbled to herself. Her class ended an hour ago and decided to go to her room instead of eating dinner.

She was hoping that The Order would here right now and just grabbed her and flew over back to Hogwarts.

If only that was simple. A voice told her. She knew it would be difficult for them to escape her from here because of her father. Her father had some good connections all over the country, and that's concerning her a bit. But over all, there's a part of her knew that they're going to be safe no matter what.

"-yes, she's so annoyi-" said Alexis, as she stepped inside her room, realising that y/n is here. Alexis thought that she would be somewhere else, but she was wrong. Y/n is on her bed and heard what Alexis said.

Is she talking about me again?

"Shh, she's here," the other twin said. Even though, y/n have been here for awhile, she couldn't tell the difference between the twins. But one thing, she knows for sure is that both of them were loud whenever the two of them were having a conversation.

"I don't care if she's here. If I wanted to tell her that she's annoying, then be it," said Alexis, giving her best to arch her right brow.

At first, y/n thought she's kind and sweet. Her physical appearance screams 'Hey! I'm innocent. Do you want me to do your homework?' but of course, it was only the appearance.

Deep inside, she's far worse than all the bullies back in Hogwarts. Whenever something goes wrong here in Beauxbatons, it is all because of her fault. She's a scoundrel, and will always pretend as if it wasn't her entire fault.

"Are you done being arse?" asked y/n, looking at her nails.

"No! In fact, I have tons of things to say to you. You're a bit-"

"If you're going to say those nicknames over again. I have to admit, it's pretty boring," answered y/n. What she said is true, she got bored of her using the same old nicknames. "You and Pansy should go with each other, and if you do that. Please think of a new plan, okay?"

"You just got accepted from this school, where I believe that all students in here are smart. But I guess— I was wrong," y/n added and stood up from her bed. "Beautiful face, but wasted brain. Oh wait, you don't have a brain, right?" she finished off with a devilish smile. Alexis shut her mouth and huffed, pretending that she wasn't affected by her words.

The twins on the other hand, glared at y/n's direction. The twins walked alongside Alexis, telling her to stop crying. Meanwhile, y/n silently celebrated for standing up on her own without the help of the trio.

She was glad that she had transformed during the whole summer. She got matured and learnt that being silent and letting people to step on you is not good course of action to do whenever you feel trapped in that kind of situation.

Rather than being silent, she stand up for what is right— Her mother always told her that. But it's quite ironic to see her mum standing up with the dark side instead of the good side.

She loves her mum and dad so much, but she don't why the two of them were doing all of these. They could do so much better picking up the right side instead of choosing the path where full of greedy and abusive people. They can be better without them.

When she found out that her father was death eater, her point of view has changed completely. She knew that there's a reason behind of her father's decisions, but why landing on the wrong side? Why not fight against the evil? Why fought beside you-know-who?

A thousand of question popped inside her mind. Before she could even sleep, one last thought decided to ruin her sleep.

Will I join them if they asked me to?

With that question, she drifted off and let her dream take flight.


During the middle of the night, she woke up for no reason— actually, there is. She felt someone tapping on her shoulder. Her first thought that came in her mind is the ghost of Cedric. She knew that Cedric wouldn't haunt her or like prank on her even though he's already in a spirit form.

"If you're not going to wake up. I'll tell everyone that you peed right now," a female voice told her. The voice wasn't recognizable. She haven't heard this voice before.

"Shut up, Tonks. Or else her roommate would see us right now," hissed the old groggy voice. When y/n heard that, she knew exactly who owned this voice. It was Professor Moody. The real Alastor Moody.

"I wasn't waking up her roommates. I was waking y/n up!" Tonks exclaimed, causing y/n to rise up from her bed, looking at Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and lastly, Tonks.

"Good, now that all of you are here, let's get going," said y/n, grabbing her trunk underneath her bed.

"I'm glad that you're not like Harry. When we went to his house, the first thing he said was 'what are you doing here?' and I was like-" Tonks blabbered on, but Remus cut her off.

"What?" asked Tonks to Remus.

Remus didn't answer instead he pointed behind their back. The girls turned around and saw Alexis, holding up her wand and pointing at them.

"Run," was all Sirius said. The five of them ran and went to the courtyard, where all the brooms were waiting for them. Remus and Moody casted a spell where no one could see them, right after they finished enchanting their brooms. They finally got on each of their brooms and flew.

As y/n flew beside with them, she could stop her lips from curling upwards. She is now free and happy, knowing that she will be back at Hogwarts. A place she called home.

hey loves!

I'm sorry for not updating for awhile, I've been busy with school (and I hate it so much) but hey! I found a good time to update a new chapter! I hope you like this one even though it was short.

Thank you for everything and I love you all <3 Take care of yourself and have a magical day ahead! Xx

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