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The girl was shocked when she heard the one word coming from her professor's mouth. She doesn't know what she actually meant, was it a minor trouble or a big major problem? Still she sat there in silence, panicking deep inside.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" asked Hermione.

"I'm fine. Thanks," replied y/n. Hermione knew that her friend is panicking but whatever this trouble might bring she will be there to help y/n. Meanwhile, Draco was actually worried for y/n. The divination class was finally over and y/n walked out the room with Hermione.

The two best friends went to the great hall to eat lunch with Harry and Ron. She and Hermione sat in front of the boys and began talk about how their day went in class. Y/n decided to talk about what happened earlier in divination since Harry and Ron wasn't there.

"Earlier in Divination, Professor read my cup and the way she stared at the cup, it made me more nervous," Y/n explained to Harry and Ron, but it was mostly Harry listening to her explanation while the ginger one is eating a chicken.

"What did she say?" Harry asked, looking at y/n and Hermione.

Y/n took a deep long breath and say, "Trouble."

As soon Harry heard that, he came up with a conclusion, thinking that this trouble might be the killer on the loose.

"Don't worry y/n. I'll protect you no matter what," said Harry, placing his hand on y/n's hand. She gave him a smile and began eating.

While the four of them eating, Draco saw it. He saw everyting in front of him and that made him want to punch Harry right in the face. He once again slammed his utensil and abruptly left the great hall, leaving all the student startled and confused.

Y/n saw Draco leave and a part of her wanted to go after him but she thought of her friends on what they might think about her. So she shaked off that thought and grabbed an green apple. While she was eating, she didn't realize that the trio was talking about something.

"-and Stan told me that he is also a murderer and a big supporter of you-know-who," Harry told them and y/n still have no clue what they were talking about.

"What are you talking about?" asked y/n.

"Sirius Black," The golden trio said in unison.

When she heard that name, she soon felt her body's shaking up. She was afraid and she also thinks that maybe this called 'trouble' is Sirius. Harry noticed that y/n started to look pale. If only I could hug you right now, Harry thought.

Y/n was the first one to finish her food and bid the trio farewell.

Her next elective class would be Herbology and good thing there is still enough time to roam around here in Hogwarts. She don't know where else to go so she end up in Astronomy tower. The girl finally reached her destination and she couldn't stop in her tracks and gape at the beauty of the sky. The sky was painted in gradient pink with a slight tint of orange. It was surely breathtaking and so was she.

She placed her hand on the railing of the balcony and took a deep breath. She wished that everyday would be like this every time she woke up, the reason why the girl like this kind of sky because— it gave her hope. Y/n hoped that evetything would be okay, but then a vision flashed inside her head. She stumbled and fell down to her feet.

A warm hand held her up, a pair of gray eyes landed on her and softly ask, "Are you okay?" y/n knew who owned this voice and it was him. Draco.

"Just a little bit dizzy," Y/n brought her index and thumb together, showing Draco that she was a 'little' bit dizzy.

"You need to go the hospital wing," Draco suggested.

"No, it's fine really and beside I still have class," y/n later assured Draco that she would go to Madam Pomfrey after her class. Draco noticed that she was getting tired of standing so they decided to sit for a while.

"What's your next class? Maybe I could go to your Professor and let you give a rest," The boy in front of her, offerered.


"Herbology you say? Well lucky you that's my next class,"

Y/n gave him a soft chuckle and finally agreed to the offer of Draco. Draco got up and offer his hand to y/n and y/n held his hand. There was a spark when both of their hands touched. They finally went down and Draco led y/n to the hospital wing. As they were walking, y/n saw Ron and before she could say anything to him, he quickly ran off. The two of them finally reached the hospital wing and Draco left y/n to take a rest.

The boy remembered he still have class and so he went to the classroom. He was the only student in there— well excluding Harry and Ron of course.

"What did you do to y/n?!" A fuming Harry asked Draco.

"None of your business, Potter." The slytherin boy spat right in front of his enemy.

"It's my business because you're with the girl I l-" Harry said, but was never finished. Students filled the classroom and went to their own designated seats.

It was then decided that this day was the start of the war between the two star players of Gryffindor and Slytherin, fighting for the hand of y/n.

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