S I X T Y - T W O

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long chapter ahead! *insert train horn sound* i've been receiving lots of notifications from all of you, showing that you voted each chapter, and I am thankful for that. Also, thank you for choosing my book to keep you sane during this lockdown. If you're lonely and you're bored, I'm always open. <3


Each day were different than others. More and more people are getting scared. Rumors started to spread around whether you-know-who is really back or not. Everyone did not know this, but y/n have been counting.

She calculated that more wizards and witches even kids are in the side of the Dark Lord. This droves her mad. She even thought aloud in her room, screaming "Has the people gone stupid?!"

On the bright side, she knew that Dumbledore's side were far more better than the Dark Lord's minions. She kept reminding herself that everything would be fine because that what's Cedric taught her to when everything is going downhill.

Y/n sat helplessly on her bed, with no one to talk to. Some other days when Kirk went up to her room to give her some food, y/n would convinced Kirk to send her message to her friends— the trio.

Speaking of which, y/n thought that maybe she could also send some letters to Draco, informing him that she's back with her parents.

Unfortunately, Kirk had a hard time looking for him. But there is this one time, Kirk informed y/n that he saw Draco once— but never got the chance to give her letter to him.

The trio, on the other hand, encountered the evil wrath of the most hated professor to ever walk in Hogwarts and that is: Professor Umbridge the toad looking woman.

They also told y/n— in letter or patronus, of course, they told her that they were going to the ministry of magic to find out the prophecy that they have been looking for.

She wanted to go out, but for their sake, she stayed here at the Manor. Just like she promised to her dad.

Y/n is a selfless person. She always thought of the others instead of herself. She prioritised her friends and the people she loves, but she never ever think about her situation— her well being.

She took the footsteps like Cedric did. Caring and having empathy towards the people.

With each passing day, a war rages on. A battle between power and peace.

Over the radio, she heard a news.

"After seeing what happened in the Ministry of Magic, we know believe that he is back. You-know-who has been spotted from the eyes of the aurors and the minister himself. Soon, we will conduct an interview if-"

The radio was now on the floor, ruined.

Hearing that he's in the ministry of magic made her heart jumped from worry and fear. She just received the letter from the trio that they were going to ministry of magic.

"What if they were injured? What if someone did not make it?" she mumbled to herself, not realising the tear escaping from the corner of her eye.

They can make it.


Meanwhile, Draco sat in front of his desk, contemplating to himself, whether to write a letter for her. He already knew that y/n was back from her Manor. He got that source from Hermione. Even though both of them were enemies.

Hermione thought that it would be probably best to inform him about what actually happened to y/n. Rather than sulking and blaming himself that night.

He looked at the tiny box. This was supposed to be given on her birthday, but y/n was already with her father. He didn't have the chance to give necklace to her.

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