T W E N T Y - T W O

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Kirk have arrived in the Guildford's Manor. Beside him was a kid, who seem pretty calm about the whole kidnapping situation. Kirk lead the kid right through y/n's room. The house elf coughed to bring y/n's attention to him. When she heard that, she turned around and saw Kirk stood beside the door frame and a kid beside him.

Y/n gestured them to go inside her room and observed the girl. She have the same height with y/n and also have the same length color as well. Y/n grabbed something from her clothes and tossed to the girl in front of her, which she successfully catched it using both of her hands.

The girl was confused for two reasons and that is; she was curious on what's inside the small pouch. Second, she was confused why she was here in the Manor. She scrunched her eyebrows down and opened the small pouch, only to found the shiny gold galleons. The pouch was full them and she was happy about it since she have never received this loads of money before.

"What is this for?" asked the girl in front, grabbing a handful of galleons in her palm.

"It's my offer to you. By the way, my name is y/n Guildford," y/n said with smooth slick tone.

The girl gave y/n an amuse look. She couldn't believe that in front of her was the daughter of the wealthiest family in the wizarding world. Y/n Guildford, daughter of Proteus and Ellora, the gryffindor princess, and the crowd's sweetheart.

"And why exactly you're giving this to me?" She asked.

Y/n ignored her question and paced around the room, waiting for Cedric to popped up. Then, she realized that she haven't catch her name yet, "What do you they call you?" As she went closer to her and twirled the locks of the girl facing in front of her.

"Mary Carleton," The girl answered.

Oh that's her name?

"Well, Carleton, we both know that we are on the same page," She whispered from behind and placed her hand on Carleton's shoulder, making her to slightly jump. "You are in desperate need of money and as for me, well... I only need you to be my diversion,"

"For what?" asked Carleton.

"You're going to pretend that you're me whilst I'm gone," explained y/n. She was getting impatient since Cedric is not here yet. If that boy didn't arrived on time then all of their plan would be useless, not to mention the galleons from the little pouch.

Carleton was about to question her but she was interrupted by y/n, telling that she need to practice about the way she supposed to act. Y/n straighten her body and held her chin up.

"In order to be like me, you'll have to act as if the queen was talking to you," Carleton nodded and straighten her back.

"Second, the way you talked must be light. Not that heavy. For example, repeat after me," Y/n brought her hands forward, signaling to Carleton to repeat her words. "I hate Snape,"

"I hate Snape," Carleton repeated the words. Y/n chuckled when she heard that, she laughed not because of her accent, she laughed because she used the name Snape in order Carleton to practice.

"Third. This is the last crucial step and you must follow it precisely," Y/n slowly said with a hint of seriousness tone in her voice. Carleton stepped closer to her and then nodded.

"You must address my parents, mum and dad. But when you're angry or being too polite and proper, you can address them: Father and Mother. Next, don't try to wear bright and vivid color, that's disgusting. Lastly, don't try to tell them who really are," explained y/n.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Cedric was finally here and in his hands was a bottle of polyjuice potion. Y/n walked towards him and nudge him NY the stomach, scolding him on why he was late.

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