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Night time has fallen and Draco stayed in her manor. She have been comforting Draco for the past five hours in her room. Draco, too, is emotionally drained from what happened to him. With those months not talking to y/n has been difficult for him. He got no one to talk to when he's in school.

But now, that changed.

Y/n laid her head on top of him, feeling the rising and falling of his chest. Meanwhile, Draco looked down on her and stroking her cheek using his thumb. 

"Did you missed me?" asked Draco.

Was that even a question? she asked herself. She missed Draco everyday. When she was escorted back to her manor by Professor Snape, she wished that she didn't leave Draco behind. She wished that she could just dragged Draco and forget all about the task, but it was too late. She left and they've never talked in a while.

"I missed you everyday," she replied, smiling at him. "How about you? Did you missed me?"

"I've never stopped thinking about you."

It was true. Draco never missed a day without thinking of her. Everyday when he rose up from his dorm bed, he'll think of y/n. When Pansy clung onto him, Draco will push her away, not caring if she stumbled.

She is the reason why Draco is moving forward even though he wanted everything to be over. With dark days has been clouding on him, he looked on the brighter side.

His mind was filled with her name, her smile and her laughter. Y/n Guildford, the girl behind Draco's motivation. Whenever he saw y/n or just by thinking of her⁠— there was an after. He knew by the end of this war, there will be an after. 

Their life after the war will not stop, rather, they will keep moving on forward.

That's why Draco was determined. It was all for y/n. He promise to himself that he would give y/n an after—A happy ending.

Y/n asked herself. Was there a way to end all of this? The answer scares her. She didn't know what to do. The more she thinks of it the more she panicked. This is why she couldn't sleep properly for days. She have been drinking a sleeping draught potion whenever she was too tensed to sleep. But no matter the draught tried to seep in her system, she would find herself awake early in the morning.

It was rubbish. She still couldn't sleep.

A war is on march, everyone tries to find something... Something to make them feel better. Kirk, kirk would always occupy himself cleaning all the day long so he wouldn't hear the horrible news. Linus being high and drunk, sobbing throughout the day and night, missing her girlfriend terribly.

They haven't talked for awhile since his girlfriend's parent were way too worried about their daughter's safety. Everyone is backing out, not wanting to be involved. 

As for y/n, she had found a way to cope with her doleful feeling. She had been training a lot alone in their basement. Practising a new spell she found in her father's old book and using it on a dummy. It's her way of coping during this bleak times.

Everyone has different coping mechanism.

"Is there any news about the war?" asked y/n. She was itching to get those words out of her throat. She have to ask him. Draco looked stunned and blinked three times.

"The Dark Lord is on the move. He had been recruiting people to side with him. He won't stop until he saw Potter dead," answered Draco, dreary.

"Oh." was all she could say. She wasn't surprised that you-know-who was trying to find a massive group of people, persuading them to join and he'll grant whatever their heart's desire. But it was a lie of course, only stupid people will fall from that.

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