F O R T Y - S E V E N

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The next following days was a big blur for her. She wrote a letter to Hermione and also told her not to tell the boys about this yet because she knew that the boys will always jump into some fist fight or a wand duel with her father. In this days like this, she really hoped that the trio have already find a way to escape her out of this.

Her routine during the summer has changed, and it includes avoiding her father and her mum. It was mostly her aunt that she wanted to hang out with, not because she has this upbeat personality, it is because she always say the truth— direct to the point. For example: One lovely day of summer, and her aunt, Olivia, asked her once again if she have a boyfriend so that he can visit here.

"No, I really don't have a boyfriend," said y/n, slightly stuttering and adding a very long quiet pause. Her aunt was expecting a word 'but'. Unfortunately, she was disappointed.

It means, I don't have one, but I have this odd feeling for this guy.

"Are you sure?" her aunt asked and then adding. "Because if you don't have one. I'll be happy to look one for you!"

Y/n's lip pressed her lip and shakes her head no. Her aunt is the so-called-cupid in the household and y/n never like that idea so much. Plus, it's quite ironic to see a single person, who's not good at relationships, but trying to pair her niece up with a complete stranger.

Quite ironic, isn't?

She almost laugh at that thought. Good thing she stopped herself before her aunt could hear her or else she could never see the daylight once again.

"This isn't the 19th century era, aunt!" exclaimed y/n, giving her a annoyed tone to her aunt, who only just laugh and shook her head.

"That's too bad, honey," said Olivia, looking at her nails and sighed. "I was about to pair you up with the erm- what do you call them again?"

Her aunt asked y/n, who doesn't have the slightest clue on what's she talking about. Olivia continued snapping her finger, trying to recall their names. Olivia met this family once, and she thought that family wasn't nice at all, but the son, the son have a different attitude. He wasn't like his father nor his mum.

What is their name again? Was it felma? Or wait— maybe...

Olivia's mind rambled, as she kept on thinking about their surname. She's a ravenclaw for merlin's sake, she must remember this, but of course, sometimes she can't remember a single thing like; where did she last put her comb. And Ellora will always be there to find it for her because all "hufflepuffs are great finders." that is what she always remind her sister.

"Ah yes! The malfoys! Both of his parents were snobby and arrogant! But his son! Oh his son!" Olivia said with such exaggeration.

"I reckon that you've already met him? Draco Malfoy?" Olivia added.

Not just met, but also kissed him.

She wanted to say that, but if she said that then her world will be damned. She could already see her life flash before her eyes.

"Yes, I had a few classes with him."

Too bad, I'm not going back to Hogwarts.

"Is he good? Arrogant? Boastful like his father?"

"Yes and No," answered y/n, slightly afraid of what questions will be up next.

Olivia bunched her forehead, not getting an idea about her niece's answer.

"I'll tell you the first time I met him." and with those words, her aunt, Olivia was just like a child waiting for her lollipop to arrive, but that lollipop was the story she have been dying to know. She knew right from the start that y/n already met him, she was just acting earlier if y/n would get a reaction by this. Turns out, she was right. Her niece is in love with him.

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