T H I R T Y - S I X

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First thing in the morning, two girls leap up and down on y/n's bed, waking her up since it's Christmas morning and they have to open their presents. She let out a groan, not wanting to get up from her soft comfortable bed. But of course being the stubborn girls they were, the pair kept on shaking her.

Yes, she loves Christmas morning, but she didn't get enough sleep from thinking about the kiss that happened at the astronomy tower. She couldn't stop thinking about it and at some point, she wanted to repeat the scenario over and over again.

The kiss was full of love and joy; it lingered on her lip. She could still feel the warm lips of Draco onto hers and it was truly magical. But as of today, it wasn't magical according to her because her two best friends was still on her bed trying to wake her up.

"y/n! Wake up, it's Christmas morning! Let's open up the presents!" shouted Ginny into her ear, pulling her up by the arms.

Y/n groaned and moved to the other side, hoping the two of them would stop pestering on her. Sadly, Hermione went to the side where y/n was faced.

"You should wake up right now or else, I will hit you with my book!" threatened Hermione, making her way to her bed as she picked up the book on sheets. She grabbed the hardest book, and she knew if she picked the normal cover it wouldn't damage y/n that much. Plus, she really wanted to wake y/n up because she couldn't help herself but to feel excited about the gifts.

Y/n jolted up and raised her hand, surrending. She fixed her hair, yawning and grinning at the two girls in front of her.

"Happy Christmas Mione and Gin!" exclaimed y/n, as she hugged them both. They both returned her sweet gesture, hugging her until she gasped out for air. The three of them laughed and went to their little Christmas tree decorated inside the room.

"Okay, who will give their presents first?" asked Hermione, rummaging through the presents, trying to find her gifts with her name on it.

Ginny shoot her hands up and grabbed the two gift hiding underneath the three. She handed it over to Hermione and y/n, whose face were lit up as she excitedly unwrapped her gift. As she tore the last piece of the wrapper, it unveiled her gift, which it was a pastel colour jumper and a necklace. Meanwhile, Hermione was the opposite of y/n when it comes to unwrapping the gift.

She was careful because she told them it was pretty gift wrapper. When she finally tore it all, she saw her gift. It was perfume and a book entitled "In the times of the butterflies" Hermione squeal in excitement and hugged Ginny.

"I can't believe you gave me this!" squealed Hermione, observing the book cover. Y/n, on the other hand, bunched her brows, not knowing about the book.

"What's that?" asked y/n, pointing at her book.

"It's a muggle book and I've been trying to find this book for ages!" Hermione chuckled and sigh at the same time, "But how did you get this?"

"You know that my dad loves muggle things, right? I guess, he found that," answered Ginny.

Hermione nodded and hugged her once again, along with y/n as well. They hugged Ginny and thanked her for the wonderful gift she gave to them. Next up, it was Hermione's turn to give her presents to the two. She first handed the gift to Ginny, which she quickly grabbed it and tore it open.

"How did you know?" Ginny gasped, as she looked at her new book about quidditch. Ginny have taken interest in quidditch, she might not show it much- but hey, all weasleys love to play quidditch, it's in their blood!

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" Ginny told her and hugged her tight. The next thing happened, it was y/n's turn to receive her gift from Hermione. Y/n was quite nervous and excited at the same time.

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