𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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He was going to do it.

That's where he was heading.

It was time to end it all.

He couldn't cope with this anymore.

He couldn't hold on any longer.

He had had enough of everything.

This was the only option.

He quickly walked down the streets. The cold wind and rain attacking his body, only his hoody to protect him. With his hood pulled over his head, he made his way down the cobbled streets. He knew where he was going. He had planned this moment out to the point.

He made his way around a few corners. Bumping into people every now and again, but keeping his head down. He knew it was rude, but would it matter when he was gone? Would anyone care if he ignored a few people during his final minutes?

His parents certainly wouldn't. After kicking him out, just because he refused to work for their company instead of pursuing his dreams. But that all went to shit anyway, when he failed his audition to get into one of the local music company's. He couldn't even get into a shitty little start-up group.

His friends wouldn't care. Half of them wouldn't even notice he was missing. None of them cared for him. Although he had lots of friends, none of them cared. At least half of them were fake. The rest just had other people they would rather pay attention to. He may be popular but that doesn't mean he has lots of friends. He even lost Jeno, his best friend throughout childhood. Since he got onto the football team he's been practically non-existent.

As he neared the place he planned to do it, he could feel his heart rate get faster. Although he wanted to do it, at the same time he didn't. He didn't want to seem weak to everyone. He didn't want to be remembered as the boy that couldn't get through high-school and had to take the easy way out.

He continued walking. Hood pulled over his head. Shoulders hunched. Hands in his pocket. The only thing he could make out was the blurry path in front of him. His tears making it difficult to see anything over a few meters away. That and the fact that he couldn't even be bothered to grab his glasses before leaving the house.

Because of this, he walked straight into someone, sending both of them onto the wet floor.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I should have been watching where I was going. Are you okay?" He asked as he helped the other boy up from the cold, wet ground.

"I'm fine," the smaller boy sighed as he pulled his bag from a puddle.

"Sorry about that," the taller said gesturing towards the bag that the smaller boy was now shaking off.

"it's fine. Oh no, you're all wet. Do you want to grab a drink with me to warm up?" the smaller boy asked as he stood up to face the other. The taller looked up and straight away he felt something.

The second their eyes met, both boys felt a feeling that they hadn't felt in a long time. It was a sort of tingly feeling in the pit of their stomachs. They both turned away soon enough, feeling awkward about the amount of time they spent drooling over each other.

"umm... I'm not sure I can" the taller responded to the others question, thinking about what he had been trying to do before bumping into the smaller boy.

"oh come on. I'll pay. You wouldn't want to catch a cold now would you" the smaller giggled as he looked back at the taller who had a small smile making its way onto his lips.

"I mean... Sure. Why not?" the taller sighed as he let the smile appear.

"Alright! I'm Donghyuck by the way. You can just call me Hyuck for short though" the smaller smiled as he started skipping in the direction of the café.

"I'm Mark," the taller announced, the smile not disappearing. Damn, he's cute, he thought to himself as he watched the smaller boy lead the way.


The two sat in the cafe for about an hour. At first, things were awkward. But that soon changed when Hyuck started talking about the most random things like why are rubber ducks yellow? or how long would it take to dig a hole straight through the planet?

The two slowly got to know each other. They found out things like the fact that Mark was a year older than Hyuck, as well as the way they both live alone. Although they didn't go into detail, it was nice to talk to someone. And although the younger didn't know it, he had successfully managed to take the older boys mind off of the thing he was about to do.

"Can I walk you home?" Mark asked as they loitered in the doorway, thinking about stepping out into the rain.

"I would say yes...but...i just met you, so how about I just give you my number for now" the younger giggled as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

Mark smiled as he let the younger type his number into his phone. Hyuck handed the older back his phone before smiling and skipping off into the wet streets.

Mark started to walk towards his home, forgetting the reason he was even out to start with. He stared at the new contact saved in his phone, Donghyuckie🌻 He smiled the whole time. Thinking about the cute boy he had met today.

The cute boy that had saved his life.

Maybe he could hold on a little longer.


🎉New story🎉

I hope you all liked the first chapter.

Just a disclaimer, this story will probably be quite deep and I don't mean to offend anybody in any way. This is also a fiction, I do not wish any harm upon these cuties.

I hope you enjoy the story

💕Thanks for reading💕


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