𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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Hyuck adjusted his laces as they took a short break since their feet were starting to hurt a little. When he stood up, he noticed Mark giving him a bit of an odd look.

"Hyuck, can we talk about what I said yesterday?" Mark asked as his smile faded slightly. Hyuck's mind slowly traced back to what it was Mark had said. That's when he remembered his confession. "When I told you how I feel. I understand that you might not fe-"

Hyuck took a step closer as the boy rambled. He smiled before pressing his lips against the older to shut him up. It was only a second before Hyuck pulled away, looking down at the ice as his cheeks turned a brighter shade of red.

Mark reached out and used his index finger to slowly lift the boys head so they were eye to eye again.

Hyuck let a small smile settle on his lips to complement the one on Mark's. The two found the self's slowly inching closer to each other.

Hyuck paused just before their lips collided, resting his forehead on Mark's,

"I love you too"

He closed the gap between them, pressing his lips against Mark's.

For Mark, the feeling of Hyuck's recently chewed up lips felt soft against his own. The feeling of warmth once again travelled through his body but more vigorously than the first time.

For Hyuck, the sparks were flying and the heat that Mark always seemed to give off pressed tightly against his lips and eventually his whole body as Mark wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him closer.

It wasn't a long kiss, but it was long enough to be able to tell, this was right.

When they pulled away, Hyuck quickly started to skate away, doing a few small tricks he had learned on his way around the rink.

The smile that beamed from him made everyone around him smile as well. The excitement he displayed made Mark chuckle.

When Hyuck eventually skated back to Mark, he went straight into a hug, wrapping his arms around Mark's waist and smiling up to him.

"you seem happy" Mark chuckled, pointing out the obvious.

"well, yeah. I've had a crush on you for a while and then I thought you hated me, I didn't really pick up on it yesterday, for obvious reasons. It's nice to know the feeling is mutual" Hyuck giggled, taking a step back from the boy as he finished.

"that's funny, the first day we bumped into each other, there was something about you, you just seemed... Different, in a good way. And as I got to know you, that feeling grew. I never hated you" Mark stated, his hand now resting on Hyuck's cheek.

The younger leant into the boy's touch, "I know. But it felt like you did" Hyuck smiled slightly before taking Mark's hand in his own and starting to pull him around the rink. Hyuck skated backwards so they were facing each other.

"Mark, what are we?" Hyuck asked, not stopping their motion. "like, we both like each other, so what are we now?"

"I'm not sure, but I'd love it if you would be my boyfriend?" Mark asked shyly.

Hyuck's face lit up for what felt like the 100th time that day. He stopped skating so Mark would crash into him but slowly so they were down hugging.

"ill take that as a yes" Mark laughed followed by a nod from the boy.

The two skated around a few more times before deciding they should probably go and find Doyoung.


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