𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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"Maybe I can help"

The group of boys all turned to face the way the voice came from.

At the end of the corridor stood a boy with a pinkish shade of hair. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a woolly jumper topped with a space blue overcoat.

He flashed a shy smile as he slowly approached the group. Mark watched the way that Jaemin's body relaxed a little at the sight of the boy.

"Hey, Jae. Sorry I didn't message you. After I got your message I had to sort a few things out but came as soon as I could. How's he doing?" The boy asked as he bit the inside of his cheek.

Mark presumed by the way he was talking to Jaemin about Hyuck that this was Doyoung. Hyuck's older brother.

"Not too good Hyung. He hasn't let anyone since the day I messaged you. We have had to visit him every day, at least one of us. Even though he won't let us in, he at least lets us know he's still alive. Until today that is. When Mark got here he was screaming and crying. He called me straight away and we tried to get him to let us in, but he went quiet" Jaemin explained. His voice shrinking as he finished what he was saying and realised what could have happened.

"Have any of you got a spare key?" Doyoung asked. All the boys slowly shook his head. Mark remembered the day he left. He shouldn't have thrown his key on the floor. Maybe then he could have helped.

"Okay, well... Does the owner of the apartment block live here?" he asked this time.

Jaemin paused to think for a minute, "yeah, maybe. Mark do you know?" He asked, drawing attention to the older boy.

"y-y-yeah. Apartment... 21 i think" He shrugged, not entirely sure if that was the actual number.

"Okay then, Mark comes with me, we will go see if he has a spare key, the rest of you can stay here, keep an ear out for him and send a message if anything happens. We won't be long" Doyoung instructed before walking towards the stairwell, followed closely, and awkwardly, by Mark.

"so, how long have you known my brother?" Doyoung asked as they made their way down the stairs.

Mark ran a hand through his hair as he thought about the time he had known the younger.

"not long really. We got close quite quickly. We knew almost everything about each other. We had built a comfortable friendship between ourselves. Things were going well. Until I snapped that is" Mark finished with a sigh as the reached the bottom of the stairs.

Doyoung turned to face Mark before they continued down the corridor.

"right, I'm guessing you've heard Hyuck's side of what happened after our parents died. But before I tell you mine, I don't want you to blame yourself, in any way, for what's going on with Hyuck. Okay, you may have pulled the final trigger. I also don't blame Hyuck. I just made him think I did. I couldn't stay around him. He reminded me too much of my parents and I couldn't cope. I had to get away for a while. I gave Jaemin my number so if they needed anything I could come back, but I just needed to get away for a while. I need you to understand that" Doyoung finished, looking at Mark with a convincing expression.

Mark nodded before stopping in front of the apartment door. Doyoung starched his arm out and lightly knocked on the door. The two waited a few minutes before the door swung open,

"Hello, oh, hi Mark. How can I help you?" the man asked. He wore a tidy pair of jeans and a blazer to top off his look.

"excuse me, sir, we were wondering if you had any spare keys for apartment number 29?" Doyoung asked politely.

"Yeah, what happened to yours Mark?" the man asked.

"Sorry Johnny, I kind of left it in the apartment" Mark smiled shyly, hoping Johnny would believe him.

As Mark found out not too long ago, Johnny was the son of the owner of the building.

"Alright, I'll go see if I can find it now, just give me a second" Johnny called as he walked into his house.

The two boys stood for a couple of minutes in silence. It was a little awkward but what do you expect, they just met.

Soon enough, Johnny emerged from the apartment holding the key in his hand. "I'm gonna need this back when you get your one, this is my last spare" He instructed after handing over the key.

Mark smiled shyly and thanked Johnny before the two started to make their way up the stairs again.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Doyoung's pocket buzzed followed by a ping.

I can hear whimpers from the apartment
Hurry up

Doyoung quickened his pace and Mark followed. When they finally made it up to the apartment, Jaemin was pacing back and forth while Jeno and Renjun were watching anxiously.

"we've got the key" Mark spoke out as he walked straight to the door and pushed the key into the lock.

Everyone waited anxiously as Mark turned the key. He slowly pushed the door open and everyone froze.

Mark took the first steps into the apartment, scanning over the mess that filled the apartment. Furniture was a mess, there were pillows and blankets thrown everywhere. The books from the bookshelf were thrown all over the floor.

Mark slowly walked into the room, followed loosely by everyone else they all listened for the small whimpering coming from somewhere in the apartment.

"split up and try to find him. He has to be here somewhere" Doyoung suggested as everyone split off I to the house. Mark stood still for a moment until it hit him. He knew exactly where to look.

He slowly made his way to the room where he thought the younger might be. He walked past all the others who were looking in the bedrooms, cupboards and around the main room.

Mark approached the door to the room. It was the only one that remained closed. He reached out and pushed down on the handle. But when the door swung open, he felt his heart drop as he witnessed the sight before him.

A sight, he never wanted to see.


Sorry for not publishing yesterday, shit went down and I couldn't publish so I decided to save it till today.

We are coming to the end of this story and I wanted to know if any of you would read a Christmas book if I were to do one????

[Edit] my alarm has been going off for 15 minutes for me to publish, sorry 😂

I hope you liked the chapter💕


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