𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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Hyuck looked up at Mark, not sure if he had heard correctly.

"I love you Hyuck. I need you to keep fighting. Please. We can get through this. Together" Mark pleaded.

Hyuck slowly collapsed himself onto Mark. The back of his head resting against Mark's chest. The older boy didn't move. He found safety in the form of Hyuck's touch. Knowing he was alive. Knowing he was still there. It gave him warmth.

Hyuck sat snuggled up into Mark for a while. The whole time, all Mark could concentrate on was the cuts up his arms, apparently, Hyuck noticed.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled.

"hmm, for what?" Mark asked, confused by Hyuck's sudden apology.

"I should have left you alone that day. None of this would have happened then" the younger explained as he looked over the cuts that covered his arms.

Mark felt the put that had been building drop once again. All this time, Hyuck thought this was his fault. All this time, Mark had been the one who caused him pain. And that caused Mark pain.

"no, Hyuckie. It's not your fault. You were trying to be a good friend. I just wasn't in the best of moods and lashed out. My mind was blurred by all the horrible thoughts in my head. I'm sorry that I called you all those things. I should have apologised earlier but I couldn't. The one thing, that I never, ever, ever want you to do, is to blame yourself for my actions. Okay?" Mark finished, with the corner of his eyes filling with tears. He carefully ran a hand through Hyuck's hair as the boy slowly nodded, too dizzy all ready to do anything else.


After a little while longer, Hyuck agreed that it was time to go out and see the others.

"Are you sure? I don't want to force you if your not ready" Mark asked. He didn't want the boy to be in any more pain. He couldn't stand to see it.

"I'm sure. As long as you're here" Hyuck responded, squeezing Mark's hand that was already resting in his own.

"Okay, ready?" Mark asked, hand on the door handle ready to pull it open. Hyuck nodded slowly again and took a deep breath as the door slowly swung open.

As the two walked through the apartment, they noticed that someone had been through and tidied it. The furniture was now back in place. The books were all on the bookshelf. Everything is where it should be.

Another thing they noticed was the smell emitting from the kitchen. It smelt amazing. Someone was cooking.

The two walked into the living room, Mark leading the way with Hyuck tightly huddled behind him, not overconfident of his friends seeing him right now, but knowing he would have to at some point.

"Hyuck?" Jaemin called out quietly as he stood from his place.

The said boy slowly moved from behind Mark so everyone in the room could see him. Jaemin let out a dry gasp as he noticed the cuts that covered the boy as well as the redness of his face and eyes. He slowly approached the younger, his eyes already forming tears.

As he got closer, he froze. He wanted so desperately to hug the younger boy, but he didn't want to hurt him. He looked so skinny and pale. Not the sun-kissed baby he used to be.

Hyuck noticed the hesitation from the younger so he quickly initiated the hug, throwing his arms around the younger boy and pulling him closer.

After a few seconds, Jaemin tightened his grip on the older boy. Same as Mark, he could feel every bone. His eyes glassed over as he pulled away from the hug.

"look at you. Your still alive" He giggled as he brushed some of Hyuck's hair from his face.

"I guess so" Hyuck giggled in return, giving Jaemin another quick hug.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Renjun asked as he slowly approached the two.

"as Jae said, I'm alive" Hyuck smiled shyly. Renjun quickly stepped closer to Hyuck and engulfed him in a tight hug, not caring about the uncomfortable feeling of the skinniness of the younger.

"I'm glad you are. We missed you" He smiled after pulling away.

Hyuck looked over to see Jeno stood awkwardly behind Renjun and Jaemin.

"Hey, I'm not diseased you know" Hyuck smiled to Jeno. The older boy slowly let the smile slip onto his face as his eyes turned to crescents. He slowly stepped over and gave Hyuck a hug. Though it wasn't as long as the others (for obvious reasons) it still felt right.

"hey, Hyuckie" a voice called from behind the younger boy. Hyuck quickly turned his head, recognising the voice but not believing it.

Behind him stood the boy he hadn't seen for so long. Even if it was only a few months, so much had happened since he had left.

"Doyoung?" Hyuck whispered, loud enough for the boy in front of him to hear.

"yeah" The boy responded breathily, he smiled shyly as his eyes began to well up. Hyuck quickly threw himself at his older brother, both embracing each other tightly.

Everyone in the room watched with smiles forming from seeing how happy Hyuck was to see his brother, melting into the older boy's arms.

When the two boys finally pulled away, they smiled to each other,

"hi," Hyuck smiled, followed by a giggle from everyone.

"hi" Doyoung smiled back. "oh, Jeno told us how skinny you looked so I started making dinner" Doyoung explained before rushing back to finish the meal he had started to prepare.

Everyone relaxed for the rest of the evening, watching a few films and eating the meal Doyoung made, though Hyuck didn't eat much, Mark and the others persuaded him to eat a little.

When it came time for everyone to leave, Doyoung and Hyuck agreed to spend time together the next day so they could catch up and talk a little.

By the time everyone had left, Hyuck was practically sleepwalking. Clinging onto Mark's arm to help keep him up.

"do you want to go to bed?" Mark asked as he held Hyuck up.

Hyuck nodded but snuggled further into Mark's chest. The older boy instantly understood what the boy wanted.

The two slowly made their way to Mark's room and the second they were both in the bed, Hyuck cuddled into the older boys warmth.

"goodnight Hyuckie" Mark whispered as he ran a hand through the already sleeping boy's hair.


Okay, the end is a bit rushed so I might edit it later

This is not the end, obvi.

I hope you liked the chapter💕


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