𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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Hyuck hadn't been having a good day.

First, it was Ten.

Then he found out he failed his maths test.

He got tripped over in the school hall, humiliated in front of, what felt like, at least half the school.

He started to feel ill during second period.

It also decided to rain on his way home.

And finally, the message Mark sent.

He felt more alone than ever.

Hyuck sat on the floor against the door. His body curled into a small ball. He couldn't think straight. All these thoughts swirling in his head. He held his head in his hands as the blood pumped away. All he could hear was the thud of each pump.

He let out a deep sigh as he shakily stood up. His legs barely holding him stably. He stumbled his way to the bathroom, collapsing onto the sink as he made it through the door.

He looked into the mirror. Looking at the stranger who stared back at him. To add to his list of things that were making his day worse, he was feeling really self-conscious today, which made being tripped over feel that much more embarrassing.

He ran his fingertips over each acne scar, the bags under his eyes, his chubby cheeks and his scruffy eyebrows. He felt the tears continue to roll down his cheek.

He pulled out his phone and looked through his most recent conversation with the older boy.

Mark Lee
If you say so

Hyuck understood that he wasn't saying much. The screen was hurting his eyes. He couldn't really see what he was typing anyway due to the tears that were making his vision blurry.

He read the message over and over again. Of all the people he knew, he thought maybe this boy -- This boy he had met only a few days ago -- would at least try to start a conversation to take his mind off things. Instead, he received this.

He looked up at the mirror again. Dropping his phone into the empty sink before turning the tap to let the water flow. As the sink filled, Hyuck spent those few seconds rummaging through his toiletries bag. Pulling out the thing he had been looking for and walking back to the sink.

He rolled his sleeve up before dipping his hand into the freezing water to pull out the mobile device. Dropping it into the floor after doing so.

He stared at his wrist for a second. Until his mind went numb. He couldn't feel anything. He couldn't hear anything. He was now numb all over.

After staring for a few more minutes, he bought the razor that he gripped in his hand up to his wrist.

He lightly pressed the blade against an old scar that still marked his wrist. Wincing when the first drop of blood was drawn. Biting his lower lip to stop him from screaming. Letting out small whimpers from time to time as he drew a line for every problem he had had that day.

When he was done. He counted the red lines that now stained his wrist.









Eight thin lines, neatly cut up his wrist. He watched for a second as the blood from each line blurred with the others before dunking his wrist into the cold water that filled the sink in front of him. He let out a small scream as the cold water washed away the flowing blood.

When he pulled his wrist from the water, he quickly used some disinfectant just to be safe and bandaged it up. Hiding each of the cuts and wrapping it around the base of his hand to make it look like he had sprained it.

He slowly lowered himself so he was sat on the floor against his door. As he slowly came back to his ordinary consciousness, he spotted the phone that layed cracked and wet on the floor.


That was the last thing he said before throwing his head back against the door and closing his eyes tightly. Allowing himself to drift to a land where his pain was no longer existent.


Mark spent the rest of his afternoon and evening thinking about the message he had sent the younger. He couldn't help but feel a growing pit in his stomach. He didn't even try to see what was wrong or try to comfort the younger in any way.

Even Jeno and his new friends could tell Mark was slightly off from that point to when he left to go home.

He spent the whole evening thinking of how to fix this. He already missed his little conversations with the cute boy he had met only a few days ago. He wanted to be his friend. But by doing what he did, he was never going to get that.

He sat in his bed, staring at the last message he had sent the younger boy. The only idea he could come up with that was reasonable and could possibly work without being creepy, was to apologise in a text. And so... That's what he did.

Mark Lee
I'm sorry for what I said earlier
I should have respected the fact that you didn't want to talk to me and it wasn't fair that I said that to you.
I am really sorry
I hope you can forgive me
Please don't leave me like this
I'm so sorry
You know what, I understand that you probably don't want to talk to me right now. I wouldn't want to talk to me either after what I said.
You can talk to me in your own time
Sorry again

Mark now felt a little more at ease with his conscience. At least enough to be able to get to sleep.

He hoped Hyuck would forgive him.

He didn't know what he would do if the younger didn't.

He really liked Hyuck.

He was a nice person.

A nice friend.

And he had gone and screwed up any chance of a friendship he had with younger.


Sorry it's a bit short and a bit rubbish but I hope you liked it anyways💕


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