𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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As a week passed by, there was still no response from Hyuck. Every time Mark received a notification, the hope would bubble up inside of him. He couldn't help it. He felt terrible and truly thought that Hyuck would never speak to him again.


As a week passed by, Hyuck didn't go to school. He knew that he couldn't cope with school at the moment, so he took it upon himself to just not attend.

But during that week he was so lonely. Since that night, he hadn't had the chance to get a new phone so he hadn't spoken to anyone the whole time.

When Saturday finally rolled on up, Hyuck was able to go to town and get a new phone. He left early enough that they were open, but town would be practically deserted.

As he walked he remembered what happened last time he looked at his phone. That was one of the reasons he put off going to get one for the whole week.

He took a deep breath before entering the shop. He spoke to a man for about an hour about which phone he wanted and if he had backed up his contacts etc.

At 9 am he walked out of the shop with his new phone in hand. Thanks to that man he was able to get everything from his old phone onto his new one.

When he stepped out of the store, his signal was back. You would think that they would have mobile reception in a phone shop but no.

The second it came back, his phone started pinging and vibrating violently, almost causing Hyuck to drop his phone for a second time.

He looked at the notifications and saw how he had at least ten messages from Mark.

As he read through the messages, he felt bad for not being able to message back sooner. After reading them a few times, he decided to send a message of his own.

Hey, can we talk?

Hyuck slid his phone in his pocket and decided to go to a cafe to grab a snack and a drink while waiting for a reply.

Meanwhile, Mark trudged over to his phone. His hope having dyed away. He had come to the conclusion that Hyuck just didn't want to be friends with him.

That was until he read the message that had he had just been sent. He felt a small smile form on his lips as he read the contact name. But that soon faded when he read the message itself.

Mark Lee
Sure, what about?

Hyuck's phone pinged so both boys were now starring at their phones at the same time.

Can we do this in person?

Mark Lee
Sure, where do you want to meet?

The Brookside cafe?
I'm there at the moment

Mark Lee
I'll be there in ten

Okay, I'll see you then

Mark quickly got dressed. Throwing on the closest clothes to him, ending up in a pair of dark blue jeans and a red hoodie. He grabbed his phone and a coat before practically running out the door. He forgot to close it, so after running down half the flight of stairs he had to run back up, grab his keys and close the door, starting his trip over again.

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