𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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The next morning Mark woke in a particularly good mood.

He got up.

Had a shower.

Got dressed.

Styled his hair.

He left the house with a smile spread from eye to eye. He walked down the street with a skip in his step as he made his way to the small bakery he would always grab breakfast from.

When he arrived he waited in the queue until it was his turn, "Hey Mark, the usual?" the lady behind the counter asked, prepping the paper bag. Mark smiled and nodded before waiting for the lady to finish putting everything together. Mark paid the lady before taking his pastry and hot chocolate. Walking out the bakery and starting his way to school.

Upon arrival, he was surprisingly greeted by a pair of arms wrapping around him.

"Mark Lee, long time no see. Woah! That rhymed!" the boy laughed. His eyes turning to upside-down crescents as his smile beamed.

"hey, Jeno. Yeah, I thought you had football in the mornings?" Mark asked confusedly, as he continued making his way into the building, his best friend walking by his side.

"Nah man, football seasons over. Oh, by the way, I want to introduce you to some new friends after school" Jeno responded, slightly more seriously as he opened his locker next to Mark's.

"um... Okay. Who? When? Where?" Mark asked, willing to do anything for his friends, especially Jeno.

"wait and see, after school, meet me by the front gates" Jeno smiled again before walking to his first class. Both boys were on opposite sides of the year group. This didn't help when it came to keeping close, but the two had managed last year, so surely they could this year aswell.

Mark sighed, knowing what Jeno was like when it came to choosing new friends. They were normally very loud, obnoxious people. He rolled his eyes and made his way to his classroom. Ready as he would ever be to suffer through another day of torture.


When the day finally came to an end, Mark walked to meet Jeno at the front entrance of the school. When he got there, Jeno was already talking to a small group of boys.

"Hey Mark, come on" Jeno called when he spotted his friend walking out of the school building.

Mark looked at each of the boys as he made his way over. They didn't seem like the people Jeno would usually choose to hang out with, so he just presumed they were talking about a class or something. When Mark finally made it over, He was greeted by another hug from his friend. Honestly, he missed the feeling of knowing there was someone there. He had missed his friend.

"Mark, these are the people I wanted you to meet" Jeno explained, as he gestured towards the group stood in front of him.

Mark would be lying if he said he wasn't shocked. Each of the boys were now smiling to Mark, to which the older returned.

"Hi, I'm Jaemin" a pink-haired boy waved. His smile was cute and his hair clearly matched his personality well.

"I'm Renjun" a slightly shorter boy introduced himself. Although he wasn't as enthusiastic as the other boy, he still had a smile spread across his lips.

"Hello, I'm Jisung. Jeno told us a lot about you. You seem nice. I like ice cream and cookies and -"

"Jisung shut up" Renjun scolded the hyperactive youngster, with slightly brown hair with pink highlights, who was jumping around energetically. Mark couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"Chenle, aren't you going to introduce yourself," Jaemin asked the final boy who was stood with his eyes glued to his phone.

"Chenle" the boy nodded, briefly looking up at the boy, his light brown hair bouncing, as he went back to staring at his phone.

Jaemin huffed and rolled his eyes before turning back to face Mark. "sorry about him. He's not normally this unsociable, but his favourite boy band are currently spamming content on their social platforms, and he insists on keeping up with them. He will be back to normal in a few minutes." he apologised for the younger.

"it's all good. I'm Mark if you didn't know" he replied to them all, looking at Jeno finally, who had the biggest smile.

"and I'm Jeno. Great, now that we are all acquainted, let's go get ice cream" He laughed, leading the way to the ice cream parlour, not too far from the school.

"YAY!" Jisung cheered, accidentally knocking Chenle's phone from his hands. "oops, sorry Lele. I didn't mean to" He apologised shyly.

"don't worry Jisung. I know" Chenle smiled, ruffling the younger's hair before going back to staring at his screen once again.


By the time they arrived at the parlour, Chenle was being more sociable. Letting out his shrieky dolphin laugh every now and again, causing the others to laugh even more.

They all found a table after ordering and sat around it, eating their different flavours of ice cream.

All the boys were very welcoming to Mark, which helped the boy settle with them a little easier. They all talked about random things, like how Jeno had met Jaemin because they got partnered for some classwork and they both really hit it off. The younger then introduced Jeno to the rest of his friends, and they all got along really well.

Mark was happy his best friend had made other friends. They seemed to make him way more happy than any of the pairs other friends did.

When they had finished their ice creams and were just laughing and talking about some random things, Mark got a little bored so he decided to message someone who he knew would make him smile.

Mark Lee
Hey, how was your day?


Mark Lee
You're not talking as much as normal
Are you sure?


Mark Lee
Do you want to talk about it?

I said I'm fine

Mark stared at his phone for a minute. Trying to figure out if he had done something wrong. When he came to the conclusion that he hadn't, he thought for a few more minutes to think of what to say next.

Mark Lee
If you say so

Mark mentally cursed when he read the message to himself.

Why did he say that?

And why like that?



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