𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

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"Do you think he's okay? He looked really pale when I saw him arriving at school this morning" Jaemin exclaimed as they rummaged through their lockers looking for the books they needed.

"Stop being so paranoid, it's winter, of course he's going to be pale" Renjun added, trying to calm the younger's nerves.

"I know, I know. I just can't help but worry about him. He was my best friend, I can't just ignore that because he is ignoring us. He had been through a lot and we all promised to be there for him" Jaemin rambled, his voice getting quieter and softer as he spoke.

Renjun pulled him into a tight hug. "I know, but we can't be there for someone who won't let us in" Renjun responded.

"I know. But... I can try" Jaemin sniffled into the shorter boys shoulder.


The group of boys all sat, talking and waiting for the final piece of their puzzle to arrive. They were waiting for Mark.

But when they saw the older enter the canteen, they noticed a small figure trailing behind him. At first, they couldn't make out who it was so they waved to the boy whom they recognized.

Mark waved back and then he suddenly stopped. He turned around to face the boy he had with him, allowing the others to see the person they found all too familiar.

Jaemin felt a rush of excitement almost burst out of him until he noticed the boy falling to the ground. At that moment all the positive energy rushing through his body turned straight into a negative one, causing his heart to stop.

He watched as a mass of people swarmed around the fallen body. He couldn't move.

He watched as Jisung ran out of the room with Chenle following closely behind.

He watched as Mark carried the boy away from everyone who all slowly walked back to their seats.

He watched as a hand slowly slid into his.

He looked up at Renjun who had a worried look on his face as a few tears ran down Jaemin's cheek.

Jeno watched the whole thing. Not understanding it one bit. Why did Jisung run away? Why was Jaemin crying? Why did Mark carry that boy out?

He felt like he was missing something important but didn't dare to ask. Too afraid that he might say something wrong.


Mark ran to catch up with the younger boy, who smiled as Mark tripped and almost flew into a crowd of girls who all squealed and pushed him to the younger.

"Hey," Mark smiled breathlessly as he walked next to the younger.

"Hi," Hyuck smiled as he continued to walk.

"Can I walk you home?" Mark smiled as he repositioned his bag that was slung over one shoulder.

"sure" Hyuck smiled as he watched his feet.

The walk was silent and cold. The sky was covered in clouds, and yet the pair felt warm and comfortable in the presence of each other

When they finally made it to Hyuck's apartment, the smaller boy invited Mark in for a bit. Although he wasn't feeling well, he just wanted some company. God knows what would happen if he was left alone right now.

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