𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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As a week passed by, Hyuck had spoken to the building owner and it turned out, as long as Mark could get his papers in, the two could move upstairs within a week of notice.

And so they did.

It had been two weeks since the two had made the decision to move in together. Today was the day they were getting all their stuff moved in. They had already sold half their furniture and gone to by new stuff together.

Hyuck was so happy that since the moment they got told they could move, he hadn't stopped smiling.

As the two painted the walls, laid the carpet and slowly added the furniture, they couldn't help smiling and joking about.

When they finally finished putting all their furniture in place, the two simultaneously flopped onto their new grey linin couch. They looked around at their finished work.

The soft bluey-grey walls.

The flat screen tv that was attached to the wall(thanks to their new neighbour).

The wooden floor that had a soft baby blue rug laid over it.

The dark kitchen that was behind them, because it was a combined room.

They smiled to each other before flopping their heads on the back cushions of the couch. After a few seconds, they burst into a small laughter.

For a while after that, the two chilled out in the lounge. They ordered a pizza and watched a movie before heading to bed for the night.


As Mark laid in bed, the only thing he could think of was the words from Jaemin and Renjun. It had been all he could think of for the past two weeks. He hadn't had the courage to bring it up to the younger boy. He had seemed so happy since Mark had suggested moving in together. He couldn't bear to take that away from the younger.

Meanwhile, Hyuck laid in his bed as thoughts slowly crawled in. He tried to shut them out but nothing was working.

After a little while, he pulled the sheets off from on top of him and walked over to his wooden desk that sat just below the window overlooking the city. The darkness of the room embraced him.

He stared out of the window over the darkness of the city. The bright lights flickering and twinkling. After a few seconds, he snapped out of his trance and looked through the shelf of his desk to find a certain book.

Once he found it he grabbed a pen and sat on the chair that was previously tucked under the desk.

He stared at the lined page for a few seconds before he started scribbling the spiral of words that had formed in his mind. He scribbled for a good few minutes before his eyes and mind gave in of him as he flopped his head onto his arms at rested on his desk, his pen falling from his hand.


As the next day rolled on up, both boys woke to the combined ringing from their alarms.

Both boys got ready for the day that awaited them, getting washed, dressed and having something to eat for breakfast.

Mark found Hyuck unusually quiet this morning. The boy hadn't spoken a word to the older all morning. Even when Mark greeted him a 'good morning'. It wasn't until they were leaving the house that Mark tried again.

"Ugh, I have double maths today" Mark complained as he locked the door. Hyuck didn't reply with anything so Mark decided to straight-up talk to him.

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