𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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The two set up camp in the lounge. Blankets and cushions thrown all over the place.

Old ones.

Thick ones.

Knitted ones.

And Soft ones.

Every blanket that Mark had stored away in his house, were now spread out somewhere in the lounge.

Both boys were now asleep. They had managed to get through all the spiderman movies before falling asleep during the credits of the last one.

The rain outside fell against the window. Pittering and pattering as it came into contact with the hard surfaces, that protected the sleeping people withing them.

The wind was slowly getting stronger. Howling throughout the streets and alleys of the city.

The darkness that was trying to take over was fought by the lights that lit up the streets for those few who were still awake at this hour.

A few people could be found running through the streets. Trying their best to get out of the foul weather that continued to worsen.

The sound of wheels turning and splashing in the water that rested on the floor and the sound of footsteps splashing down the paths. Those were the only sounds, other than the wind, that were present.

A sudden flash was seen by those who were still conscious. But the loud crash was the thing that woke some. Adding to those few who were awake.

One person, in particular, was now huddled into the sheets that surrounded him. Clutching onto them for comfort and protection.

A few minutes passed and there was nothing. That's what convinced the boy to stick his head out of the covers. Only seconds later the pattern was repeated, a bright flash followed by the loud crash.

The now shivering boy hid back under the covers, his eyes forming tears as he hid his face in the pillow where his head had rested.


A crash was the sound that stirred Mark in his slumber. But the faint cries were what woke him completely.

He slowly sat up from his spot on the floor. Looking around the room, trying to detect where the sound was coming from.

When he figured they were coming from the couch he felt his heart drop. He put his glasses on before manoeuvring himself through the room until he got to the spot where the younger boy laid.

Mark sat down cross-legged in front of where he guessed the boys head was. He slowly pulled the blankets down to see the distraught boy beneath them.

Hyuck was too caught up in his thoughts to notice the boy. Another flash was closely followed by the thunder making the boy jump. Leaving him even more of a shivering wreck than before.

Mark noticed that the storm was what was making the younger boy like this. He unconsciously reached out and ran a hand through the boy's hair.

Hyuck looked up at Mark. His tear-stained cheeks glowing when the next bolt of lightning flashed throughout the city. When the thunder sounded again, Hyuck jumped. This time wrapping himself around the older boy. Arms around his neck, legs around his waist.

Mark felt his heart pick up in pace at the sudden contact but soon calmed down when he felt the boy shaking around him.

He took a deep breath while thinking of what to do. When an idea struck him, he slowly stood up, walking to his room with Hyuck still wrapped around him like a koala bear.

Mark grabbed his phone and plugged his headphones into them, then turning on his music. Doing all of it with Hyuck still attached to him.

Mark sat down before carefully placing the earbuds into the smaller boys ears. Soon enough, Hyuck's previously tensed and shakey body relaxed. The music being the only thing he focused on as he rested his head against Mark's chest with his eyes closed.

They sat just like that for a few minutes. Mark sat on his bed with Hyuck on his lap. The younger's head resting against Mark's chest while he tried to block out the raging storm outside.

Mark eventually convinced Hyuck to sit on the bed for just a minute while he ran into the lounge to grab some blankets and pillows.

When he came back, he put everything onto the bed before snuggling into them. Once he was comfortable the younger crawled onto the bed. However, instead of snuggling into the sheets, he snuggled closer to the older boy.

Mark stiffened at first but soon relaxed when the younger boy rested his head on his chest after pulling out the headphone from that ear.

He was trying to calm his heartbeat.

Trying to match it to Marks.

The older boy played with a few locks of Hyuck's messy hair as the two fell asleep. One body on top of the others. Marks hand slowly disconnecting itself and falling onto the youngers back that was covered by a blanket.


The next morning Mark was the first to wake. The first thing he did was look at the alarm clock that stood on his bedside table, 7:21 am. Mark sighed as he flopped his head back onto the pillow. He had just over an hour before he had to leave for school.

It wasn't until he heard a small groan and felt something move on his chest that he remembered the events from the previous night.

He watched as the smaller boy fluttered his eyes open. He smiled down at the soft gaze that travelled up to his face. A few seconds after their eyes interlocked, Hyuck jumped off of the bed, startling the older boy in the process.

Hyuck looked around the room before walking to the lounge and putting his shoes on. Mark followed him curiously.

"Hyuck? Where are you going?" He asked as Hyuck put his coat on and grabbed his phone and keys.

"i-i um... I uh... Have to go to a thing... Yeah, a thing. Thanks for letting me stay the night. Bye" He called as he rushed through the door. Still wearing the older boys pyjamas.

"WAIT HYUCK YOU'RE STILL WEARing my clothes and yours are still in my room" He started shouting down the hall to the younger who was now running, before giving up and mumbling the rest to himself.

He smiled softly as he went back into his apartment. Getting washed and dressed for school. He put Hyuck clothes in his bag and decided he would drop them off after school when the younger would have hopefully calmed down after... Well... Whatever that was.



I hope you liked the chapter even though it was quite rubbish towards the end 👌🏽

💕Thanks for reading💕


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