𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢

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As planned, the two boys met up. Jaemin was the first one to arrive.

Honestly, he had been panicking since the night Mark had invited him to meet up. He had paid close attention to Hyuck to make sure everything was okay. But then again, it always seemed that way until he finally snapped.

When Mark walked into the cafe, he instantly spotted the boy he was looking for, sat on the other side of the room drinking an expresso.

Mark walked over with a smile as he greeted the younger, taking a seat opposite him.

"Hey, Hyung. What's up?" Jaemin asked after Mark had gotten comfy.

"Nothing really. I wanted to talk about Hyuck" Mark exclaimed calmly, easing Jaemin nerves a little.

"what is it?" He asked, curious to finally hear what the older wanted to say.

"as you know, I live with Hyuck, so I'm around him a lot of the time. Basically, I was wondering if you knew what triggered Hyuck's 'suicidal-ness' shall we say" Mark asked, not wanting to dive straight into anything.

"to be completely honest... No, he never liked talking about it. It was hard enough for him to tell us he was suicidal, let alone the details" Jaemin sighed, not liking the sound of where this was going.

"oh... Okay..."

"why?" Jaemin asked, unsure of the older's reaction.

"Well, it's just... Recently, I've noticed different times Hyuck starts to act a bit... Iffy. He goes quiet and enclosed, it's almost as if he isn't there sometimes. He becomes a completely different person sometimes" Mark expressed concern for the younger.

"what do you mean?" Jaemin questioned, not sure what Mark was suggesting.

"have you ever noticed that if... I don't know... For example, the other day Renjun made a not so nice comment about Hyucks appearance, it was clearly a joke and I think, even though Hyuck understood that he still took offence to it" Mark explained, remembering the incident word for word.

"carry on" Jaemin urged the older to continued, intrigued by where he was going.

"he is also clearly being bullied by Ten. That kid is constantly on his back. I don't know how long that's been going on, but it's obviously major considering Hyuck showed up at home with bruises the other day" Mark explained earning a few nods from Jaemin every now and again as he spoke.

Mark spoke of all the different reasons he thought could be making Hyuck suicidal.

He spoke of how Hyuck was clearly self-conscious.

He spoke of how Hyuck was clearly depressed.

He spoke of how Hyuck clearly over though a lot of things.

He spoke of how Hyuck was possibly even suffering from anxiety.

As he spoke, things clicked in Jaemin's brain. He remembered how Hyuck would lock himself in his room for days over what seemed like nothing at the time. But as Mark spoke, he began to understand some of the things Hyuck had done.

The thing that hit Jaemin the most was the fact that he had known Hyuck for over ten years and he had never noticed these things, and yet Mark had known the boy for almost two months and had already spotted them. He couldn't help but think that he was a bad friend for not realising.

But at the same time, he couldn't stop thinking about how Mark had managed to pick up on these things so quickly.

Truth be told, Mark did find it quite easy to pick out these things. And for a reason, he obviously didn't want to tell Jaemin.

He had never spoken about it to anyone before. Ever.

It had always been him and his music. Nobody knew about his music though.

Nobody knew about the thoughts that went through his head so often that it had become normal.

Nobody knew of the things he had thought about doing to himself.

Nobody knew where he was going that day he bumped into Hyuck.

Nobody knew.

Nobody except his music.

As Mark spoke of all the reasons Hyuck could be suicidal, he couldn't help but think of his own. The two boys were more similar than either of them knew, both too scared to bring this topic into their new friendship.

Soon enough, Mark had finished explaining, leaving Jaemin speechless. He didn't know what to say after that.

The two sat in silence for a while.

Eventually, Jaemin broke the silence by saying he needed time to process things which Mark totally understood. The two bid their goodbyes, making their ways home.


As a week passed by, Jaemin saw more and more bits if what Mark had been explaining. The way Hyuck would occasionally turn off and become quite after someone had said, what could have been, anything.

At the end of the week, he had come to the decision that he wanted to invite Hyuck to hang out. Just the two of them.

Of course, Hyuck agreed, having missed spending one on one time with his bestie.

On Friday, after school, the two went straight to Jaemin house, since his parents were currently out of town. Laughing and giggling excitedly the whole way there.

When they arrived they played games, ate food and built a pillow Fort before settling down to watch some movies.

Hyuck was more than comfortable win his little cave of pillows, blankets and silence. That was until the boy next to him asked something that he had never anticipated from the boy.

"Hyuck, Are you still suicidal?"

Straight away Hyuck's stomach started turning and twisting inside him. He didn't know what to say next. Should he tell the truth and risk hurting his friends again? Or lie, and keep things the same way. The way he liked it.

He thought about everything that had happened recently. He had gotten his old friends back after losing them because he had shut himself out due to this feeling. He had made a new friend who was so kind and gentle. Mark always made him feel safe. Even if the two had just met, he already felt so close to the boy.

He just got his friends back. Everything was fine. He was happy.

He was happy.

He was happy.

He was happy.

He was happy...



Thank you guys so much for:
1. Getting this story to #8 in Markhyuck
2. Getting us to 1K reads

Thank you for reading💕

I hope you are all enjoying the story🙈


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