𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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The two sat.

Hyuck talked.

Mark listened.

He had never felt so bad for someone. He thought he was the only person with a life as shit as his. Let's just say that, Hyuck had proven that well and truly wrong.

"that's when I ended up living alone. I hate it. I feel so lonely when in the comfort of my so-called home. And I feel so guilty-"

Those words struck Mark, right in the heart. Even though he hadn't known the younger boy for very long. He could tell just from his aura as well as his story that it wasn't his fault.


That's all Mark could say, leading Hyuck to give him a confused look.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean no?" Hyuck asked. His voice had a small bit of irritancy hidden in it.

"no. You can't blame yourself. It's not your fault that someone was irresponsibly driving. There was nothing you could have done. It's not fair on yourself to live with the weight of something that big on your shoulders when it wasn't even your fault" Mark exclaimed, angry at the idea that Hyuck was living with this massive burden, that he had chosen to carry.

"but it is my-"

"Hyuck. Just listen to me. It's not your fault. Now stop blaming yourself and accept the fact that there was nothing you could do. Don't listen to your brother. It's in a humans nature to put the blame on someone to ease their conscience. But when you blame yourself, you don't find that sense of satisfaction and relief. Just stop. Blame the drunk driver. It's his fault one hundred percent more than it is yours" Mark blurted out, his hand now lightly placed on top of the youngers.

Hyuck sat with tears rolling down his cheeks, they had been doing so since he got into his story, but since Mark said all those things he couldn't help but think that maybe he was right. He hadn't distracted his dad. And even if he had, that car would have hit them anyway, there was no changing that.

The two sat in silence for a little while. It was a comfortable one. Neither felt pressured to talk. They just enjoyed each others company. Mark was the first to break the silence.

"I told you I live alone as well, right?" Mark asked. Hyuck nodded slightly, too scared to speak in case his voice cracked. "did I tell you why?" Mark asked, not wanting to repeat himself. This time Hyuck shook his head.

Mark sighed before deciding that he should tell the younger. The boy had already told his story, so why shouldn't Mark tell his aswell right? He sighed before starting to talk about his situation.

He told Hyuck about how his father owned a large company that had been a family business for a while. He explained how his father wanted him to take over the company but Mark didn't want to. He talked about how his parents had kicked him out because he said he would rather pursue his dreams and how that whole idea failed. He went through every detail until he finished, his eyes on the verge of tears.

The two's hands were still softly lying on top of each other. As Mark finished his story, Hyuck flipped his hand over so Mark's palm was now against his instead of the back of his hand. He lightly squeezed the older boys hand and gave him a sympathetic smile.

"It's not your fault really. You are still a child and you wanted to believe in your dreams. It wasn't fair for them to kick you out like that. You also still have time to achieve those dreams. Start your own band, use Soundcloud.  Pave your own way if you have to" Hyuck said slowly, finishing it with a small smile.

Mark looked up from the table to see the smile the younger was giving him. He couldn't help but give off a small laugh and continuing to smile after.

"you're right. I still have time, and who knows, maybe I will achieve my dreams in a way I never expected" he chuckled.

"hey, I guess we both helped each other with our problems, teamwork!" Hyuck giggled, holding his hand up for a high-five. Mark smiled and clapped his hand with the younger's.

The two continued talking for some time after, about some lighter topics, like what would you do if you were captured by an alien?

After ordering some food and laughing away the pervious deep topics they were talking about, the two decided to head somewhere else to hang out for the rest of the day.


When they arrived at the mall, Hyuck instantly went into hyper child mode. It had been so long since he had gone out with a friend. He may only have known Mark for less than two days but they had talked so much and he already felt safe around the older.

The two spent a good couple of hours in the mall, going to all the different shops, getting ice cream. All in all, they had a blast. If you asked either one of them, they would have said they had more fun today than they had for at least a month.

When it came time to go home, Hyuck agreed to let Mark walk him. On the way, they didn't lose their bubbly moods.

They arrived at Hyuck's house and just before the younger walked through his door, he unexpectedly turned around to give the older boy a short hug. It was so short, that Mark didn't even get a chance to react before the door was shut in his face. He smiled to himself and muttered a; cute before turning on his heel and making his way home.

On the other side of the door, Hyuck was having a small panic attack. What if he had scared Mark off? He really enjoyed every second he had spent with the boy so far. What if he had just ruined the chance of ever spending time with him again?

As all these thoughts rushed through his head, his phone buzzed on the sofa where he had thrown it.

Mark Lee
I had fun today
Thanks for talking and hanging out with me
I really needed a friend recently

Mark stared at his phone and started panicking. Had he just taken things too fast? What if he just scared Hyuck off?

I had fun as well
I'm glad you think of me as a friend

Both boys sighed before getting comfortable in their respective places.

Mark Lee
Of course
What else would I think of you as?

A random boy you know
And also know where lives

Mark Lee
I might stalk you now 🤡

I knew it was a bad idea to let you walk me home

Mark Lee
I'm just kidding
You know that right

I know

The two talked for the rest of the night. Yet again having one of their random conversations aswell. This time it was; If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be?

The two fell asleep with their phones nearby.

It felt nice to have someone to talk to.

It felt nice to have a friend.


How was your week?

Mine has been good so far💕


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