𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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He could just about make out the blurry figures in front of him as he felt a fist slam into his face, sending a piercing pain through his skull near his eye. The next one hitting his nose, allowing blood to escape down his top lip. The fist hit him again and again until his body flopped to the floor, no longer being held up by the boy who had been inflicting all this pain.

He could just about make out the bodies walking away from him in the corner of his eye. As his body flopped down further so he was lying on his side, his hand reached out for the glowing object he guessed was his phone.

He looked at the screen and could just about make out Marks name at the top. He was about to type to the older boy before everything around him went black. The metal pice of technology slipping from his hand as he fell unconscious.


As the day came to an end, the bell rang allowing the flood of students to flood out into the streets.

Luckily, the bell had woken the younger, allowing him to escape before anyone saw him in this state.

He pulled his hood over his head to hide the markings that covered his face. He limped down the street. Heading to the only place he knew too.


Mark searched the whole school for half an hour after everyone left, before coming to the conclusion that the younger had decided to head home without him.

To his surprise, when he arrived home, there was no sign that the younger had been there since they left that morning. He frantically searched the whole apartment, hoping to find the younger anywhere. When he didn't, he remembered what Chenle and Jisung had said at lunch about a book.

He walked into the youngers room and spotted the book on the desk, a padlock holding it shut. He looked all over the desk trying to find the key. When he was unsuccessful, he remembered asking Hyuck about the extra key attached to his house key.

He picked up the book and walked into the lounge, pacing back and forth in between the lounge and kitchen.

He waited for over an hour and there was still no sign of the younger. He slowly became more and more worried about the younger boy. It got to the point when he called the only people he knew he could.


Hyuck walked for almost an hour when he got to the place he found all too familiar.

He walked through the large metal gates and made his way down the windy path that lead through the area, splitting off at certain points.

He walked until he got to the place he remembered. He sat down on the damp grass. Facing the two stones that were so new compared to the ones surrounding them.

As he sat facing them, the rain started to fall, adding a speckled pattern to each and every gravestone that filled the cemetery.

Hyuck didn't seem to care. He looked up allowing some of the cold droplets to land on his cuts and mix with his blood.

He let out a small laugh and looked to the floor. "hehe, typical" he smiled before his expression slowly turned to a sad one.

"Hey. I know it's been a while. I miss you guys. I wish you were here. You were always able to help me. If you were still here I would still have Jaemin and the others. UGH, I miss them. I... I just... I don't know if I can talk to them again. I don't know-how. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such a failure. I wonder how Doyoung is doing? I miss him too. I hope you are looking out for him. He deserves you guys more than I do"

As Hyuck spoke to his parents about his brother and his friends the rain continued to pick up. A whole hour passed before Hyuck finally decided he should leave if he didn't want to catch a cold again.

He pulled his coat from his bag and put it on before making his way home. It was going to take him a while to get home so he plugged his headphones in and made his way down the streets that were reflecting the light from every building as the sky started to become a darker shade of grey.


At the apartment, Mark sat comforting the younger boy who had his face buried in his hand as sobs escaped every now and again.

"I don't know where he could have gone. He never normally just disappears" the other boy who was now doing the pacing announced as he thought of every possible place Hyuck could possibly.

Mark had called Renjun and Jaemin over when Hyuck hadn't shown up for over an hour. It only took ten minutes before the two boys had joined him in the apartment, trying to think of where the younger could be.

That was over half an hour ago.

Hyuck had been missing for two hours. He hadn't responded to any of Mark's messages and the other two thought it pointless to even try at this point.

The three of them spent another ten minutes thinking before there was a small rattle at the door.

The white shape slowly swung open revealing Hyuck who was dry except his face, legs and the coat he held in his hands.

The younger hung his keys on the small hooks the two had put up specifically for that purpose. Due to the fact he had his headphones in, it wasn't until he turned around that he noticed the three faces all peering up at him.

Hyuck froze as he looked from boy to boy. Jaemin was in the small grey armchair the two had bought to match their sofa. His cheeks were red and puffy along with his eyes.

Mark was perched on the arm of the seat, his hand resting on the youngers back as if he had previously been comforting him

Renjun stood halfway between the kitchen and lounge. His hair a mess as he had clearly been running his hand through it.


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