𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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"Hyuck, come on... Please let us in" Jaemin called through the door for what felt like the one-hundredth time. They had got to Hyuck's apartment about twenty minutes ago but Hyuck wouldn't open up.

"I don't want to, go away" Hyuck shouted back, the crack in his voice making it evident that he was crying.

"at least talk to us" Renjun called softly, concerned about the younger boys state at the moment.

"no" Hyuck shouted back bluntly. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He didn't want to see anyone. He didn't want to be near anyone.

He wanted to be alone.

After this morning, he couldn't move. Not physically but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He just wanted to rot away in his place. Nothing was worth moving for anymore. He felt that he had become a burden again. He didn't want to be a burden.

Currently, he was huddled in a ball on the couch, a blanket to cover him and Minhyung hugged closely to his chest.

When he first heard Jaemin trying to get in, he quickly locked the door. He didn't want to see anyone. Even his best friends.

Jaemin sighed as he turned and leant his back against the door. Hyuck had never been this bad. He would normally at least let Jaemin in. Even if they didn't talk for a while, at least he knew the younger boy was safe. I guess the fact that Hyuck was shouting back was the only thing that kept Jaemin from becoming a complete nervous wreck.

The two boys sat next to the apartment and waited to see if Hyuck would ever open the door. While doing so, Renjun updated everyone on the situation like they said they would.

New group chat

Members: Nono, Nana, Injunnie, Jisungie, Mork and Lele

6:01 today

Me and Nana are outside of Hyuck's apartment still and he won't let us in
We are going to wait and see if he opens the door for us
Might be a while though

Okay, me and Mark are gonna come meet you
We'll bring food

That's a smart idea, maybe it will lure him out

I'm not sure that's what they intended but okay
I hope he feels better soon
I miss him

We all do Jisung
I'm sure he will be okay soon

I hope so

Me too

Me three

Me four

Okay, we get it
We all miss Hyuck but by doing this we are not exactly helping him are we

Lele' s right
See Jeno and Mork soon
Jisung and Lele look after yourselves


Not much later, the other two boys arrived with two pizzas. As they ate they were in almost compleat silence, yet, not a single sound was heard from inside the apartment.

They all sat outside the apartment until around ten pm when Jeno finally managed to convince Jaemin and Renjun that there was nothing they could do for the time being.

As they all walked away from the apartment. Mark stood staring at the door. He slowly stepped forward and placed his hand softly against the door.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I know you probably aren't listening, but I just needed to say it. I hope you know how sorry I am and I hope one day, you will forgive me" He muttered before letting out a deep sigh.

"one day"

He sighed once again and gave a sad smile before jogging to catch up with the others.


"He's been through a lot the past few years though. It took him a while for him to get through the fact that he had no family left after Doyoung left" Jaemin sighed as they all flopped onto a chair in Jeno's apartment.

They all nodded in agreement and thought about Jaemin's statement.

"wait, that gives me an idea. Jae, do you still have Doyoung Hyung's number?" Renjun asked, his face lighting up as if it had been the light bulb above his head.

"yeah... Maybe... Why?" the younger asked, not sure what his boyfriend was insinuating.

"Before leaving, he said if Hyuck ever got to a certain point, to contact him. I remember him saying something along the lines of..." Renjun paused as he tried to remember the words of the older boy.

"I just need to get away from a while. Hyuck reminds me too much of the past and I can't cope anymore. I know you can look after him better than I would be able to at this point. I love him and this is why I am doing this. Promise you will look after him and if things ever get to bad or anything happens just message me" Jaemin quoted Doyoung word for word. Those were the last things he heard him say before he gave Jaemin his number and left.

"I don't think now is the time though" Jaemin added.

"But you said you had never seen Hyuck so bad and now he has shut us all out. If not now then when?" Renjun questioned.

Jaemin paused for a while, thinking things over in his head as the others continued discussing the matter at hand.

Maybe it was time to bring the older boy back to his reality.


Another Meh chapter but hey, at least I published on time 😂

Or early oops 🙈

I've had an idea for my Christmas story and I think you guys will like it, but if you have any idea either comment or DM me

I hope you had/have a good Saturday 👌🏽

Thanks for reading💕


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