𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗

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Hyuck explained everything to the older boy.

How the lightning reminded him of the flashing lights.

How the thunder reminded him of the collision.

How the rain was the same as that dreadful day.

How the wind reminded him of the sobs and screams that came from him and his brother when the accident took place.

By the time he had finished explaining, his eyes were sore and red because he kept trying to rub away the tears that now drenched his cheeks.

Mark watched as the boy's pain began to show. As he explained every detail of why he disliked, hated, detested thunderstorms.

Mark felt his heart swell as he listened to the boy who's voice became hoarse. His hair became a mess because of how many times he ran his hands through it.

The older hadn't moved a muscle while the younger explained. He listened intently, feeling bad for the boy who had suffered through so much.

For the boy who had to suffer every time the weather got so bad.

When Hyuck finished, all Mark could think to do was to comfort the younger boy. And so he did. He pulled the smaller boy into a tight hug. Holding him as close as possible.

At first, Hyuck's body stiffened due to the sudden contact and motion but he soon relaxed. Burying his face into the older's shoulder and continuing to let out small sobs.

Mark held the younger until he heard the last few sniffles from the boy. Hyuck pushed himself away and wiped his eyes and his runny nose. Mark reached over and brushed the hair that was sticking to his cheeks, behind his ears.

Neither of the two spoke after that. Hyuck snuggled into Mark on the sofa as Mark pressed the show on that had been paused the whole time.


They sat like this for two hours before Mark noticed that it was beginning to get darker outside. When he looked down to his chest, he noticed the younger had fallen asleep. He felt a small smile form from his lips as he watched the younger scrunch his nose and shuffle about a little.

He watched for a few short minutes before deciding he should head home. He carefully removed himself from under the younger boy, being careful not to wake him. In which he managed successfully.

He pulled the blanket back over the younger and smiled again before walking out of the younger's apartment and making his way home.


Hyuck woke a few hours later when his stomach decided it needed food. He sat up from the sofa, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He then sneezed, startling himself. He groaned while standing up and heading into the kitchen.

He was about to open the fridge when he noticed a small bright pink sticky note pasted to the door.


If you need anything just message me
Also, If it helps
I'm scared of heights because when I was younger my brother pushed me down the slide when I wasn't ready
Look after yourself

Mark x

Hyuck smiled to himself as he made a bowl of soup and headed to bed where he decided to chill out for a bit before going back to sleep.

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