𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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Hyuck laid in his bed. Starring up at the blank ceiling above him. He thought about the day of suffering that awaited him. If he closed his eyes that day would come sooner. The longer he stayed awake, the longer it would take for tomorrow to come.

He could feel his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. The stinging feeling slowly fading meaning he had failed to keep them open. He slowly fell into the abyss that was also known as sleep.


The next morning, Hyuck woke to his alarm going off on his bedside table. He hit it off before sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walked into his bathroom and rinsed off his face.

When he looked up, he was met by his reflection in the mirror. He stared for a while, until the person in front of him became unfamiliar. All he could see where all the faults.

The bags under his eyes.

His scruffy brown hair.

His chubby, baby-like cheeks.

He had never been happy with the way he looked. He had never liked any of it. He sighed, before starting to make an effort to make himself look somewhat presentable. Leaving the house in a pair of black jeans and a grey hoodie. He grabbed his school bag from the end of his bed before making his way to the dreaded destination.

He stopped still. Starring at the split in the pavement where the colour changed from a grey to a darker black one. He looked at it for a second before being snapped out of his thoughts by a group of girls giggling and walking past him. Although they probably weren't, Hyuck couldn't help but think they were laughing at him.

As they disappeared he looked at the split once again before taking a deep breath and stepping onto the school grounds. No matter how much he knew it was coming, what happened next still managed to startle him.

"oii~ look who we have here" a boy chuckled after pushing the smaller boy to the floor. He ran a hand through his dark hair before stepping closer to Hyuck, making him flinch. "awe~ little Haechanie is scared" His voice boomed through Hyucks head, followed by a snigger from the two boys stood behind him.

"w-w-what do you want Ten?" Hyuck asked rather quietly but in a stern tone.

"the usual, now hand it over" the boy, also known as Ten ordered, his voice getting deeper than it already was. Hyuck stuck a hand in his pocket and rummaged around. When he didn't find anything he searched his other pocket before mentally cursing. "so, where is it dipshit" Ten questioned, becoming impatient as more people began to arrive on the site.

"I forgot it" Hyuck muttered, too scared of the consequences that would follow to actually say it to the boys face.

"what do you mean you forgot. Xiaojun, search him" he ordered before a boy quickly ran from behind him and up to Hyuck. Xiaojun searched all of Hyucks pockets and tipped out his bag onto the floor. All along all Donghyuck could do was watch.

"he doesn't have any" Xiaojun announced in a timid voice before stepping out of the way. Ten turned to face Hyuck before walking up to him and pinning him against the wall.

"you're lucky that I have to go find Johnny before school starts, otherwise I would beat the shit out of you. Don't forget it again. You hear me?!" He shouted, even though he was stood right in front of the younger boy.

Hyuck nodded slightly before getting shoved further into the wall, collapsing onto the floor before Ten walked away, followed by his posse, all except one.

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