𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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Hyuck's head snapped up as the door opened. As soon as he recognised the figure he buried his face back into the already damp pillow.

Jaemin walked up to the damp, puffy-faced boy, sitting on the floor beside him before placing a hand on his back.

Hyuck didn't move from his position as Jaemin traced lines up and down his spine.

After sitting for a few minutes Hyuck turned onto his side so he was looking at Jaemin, who's brows furrowed in sympathy at the sight.

Hyuck's face had crease marks from the sofa. It was red and puffy from all the tears shed from the moment Mark slammed the door.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Jaemin asked, his voice soft as he spoke to the hurt boy before him.

Hyuck nodded before slowly talking about everything that had happened. Everything since the last message he sent to Jaemin. The whole time he spoke, his eyes looked as though they were made of glass and his voice was raspy.

By the time he had finished speaking, the two were at side by side on the couch. "he said I'm fragile and weak. He said I'm easy to break and made of glass. He said all of that before walking out with his suitcase and slamming the door. I don't know where he's going. And honestly, I don't care anymore" He finished as the tears started up again.

Hyuck hid his face into Jaemin's shoulder. The younger just embraced him and held him close for comfort, wrapping a few of Hyuck's curls on his fingers.

"he didn't mean it Hyuck. Just as you never really mean what you say when you break down" Jaemin explained as Hyuck looked up at him innocently.

"I know. But it still hurts like hell" he exclaimed as his voice hitched. "I'm sorry if I ever hurt you with my words as he has to me. I never realised that, even if you understand what the person is going through, it's still hard to take on those kinds of words. I'm sorry" he apologised.

Jaemin let out a small chuckle making Hyuck give him a confused glance. "it's okay Hyuck. You've never really said anything bad. You seem to be more of the kind of person to exclude yourself from others so that you can't break like that in front of people. You and Mark, although you are the same... You're very different" Jaemin explained with a small smile as Hyuck rested his he'd on Jaemin's shoulder once again.

Once Hyuck had settled down, the two boys ordered some takeaway and tried their best to put the evening behind them. Jaemin agreed to stay the week since his parents were out of town anyway.


When Mark left the apartment, he made his way down the streets of the city. Only the streetlights and the shop windows to light his way. To begin with, he didn't know where he was going but he eventually decided to go to one of the only places he knew he would be welcome.

And so, he made his way to Jeno's house. Luckily the younger didn't live too far away. Jeno had recently moved out of his parent's house to move into his older sisters old apartment because she still had a year left but wanted to move in with her boyfriend.

Mark knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before it swung open, revealing Jeno in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Hey, Wha-" Before Jeno could finish his sentence Mark walked in and started talking.

"I fucking hate Donghyuck. I tell him I'm suicidal and all of a sudden he's all up in my face acting as if I'm the most fragile baby in existence. Which I'm not obviously. And he seems to think that just because we are both suicidal, we can relate and be all friendly and talk about our problems but it's not as easy as he makes out and he should know more than anyone so I decided to leave and I was wondering if I could stay here for a while" he finished his rant panting, breathless from not stopping at all during the last part.

Jeno stood frozen like a statue as he looked at his best friend. Mark stood staring back. He was wearing a similar outfit to Jeno but his eyes had dark red rims and dark bags below them.

"y-y-you... You're suicidal" Jeno stuttered. He had no idea. He had been so distant with Mark recently and they hadn't spoken much since Hyuck came into the picture. "and Hyuck? He's suicidal too?" He asked, not seeing how the bubbly happy boy could possibly be in that state.

"Yeah. So can I stay here or not?" Mark asked in a harsh tone, not wanting to talk about the subject.

"Y-y-yeah, but, where is Hyuck and what did you say to him?" Jeno asked, finally pushing his door shut and making his way back to the kitchen where he was getting ready to make ramen.

"I told him where to go and that I was leaving. I've had enough of his crap" Mark stressed as he sat on Jeno's couch.

Jeno sighed as he pulled his phone out, messaging his (recently together) boyfriend,

You might want to go check on Hyuck
Mark just got here and he seems really pissed off asking if he could stay at mine for a while
Also, did you know they are suicidal?

Yeah I did
I would have thought Mark would tell you
Thank for letting me know, I'll head over there now


Jeno put his phone away and finished off preparing dinner for the two of them. After eating, Jeno set Mark up in the spare room before the two of them played some video games for the rest of the night until deciding to head to bed.


For the rest of the week, Hyuck stayed home. He said he didn't feel well, which wasn't entirely a lie. He hated everything about himself, his looks, his voice, his relationship with Mark. He couldn't help but think what could have happened if the two had never met.

Jaemin kept telling him that Mark would come back soon and one day they would look back and laugh at this. But Hyuck didn't think so. He could never imagine Mark wanting to speak to him again, see him again, think of him again.

Funny to think that Hyuck was so close to confessing his feelings.

He couldn't help but think what could have happened if the two had never met.


Okay, so my uploading schedule has completely gone out the window and I'm sorry about that.

Coming close to the end of this and I was wondering what you guys would want to read if I were to do a Christmas special? Leave some suggestions on the tree(like decorations lol)


I hope you liked the chapter💕

I hope you are all having a good week

🎊Also only 14 days till Christmas🎊

Thanks for reading


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