𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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January 23rd, 2019

"Hyuck please just let me in!" Jaemin cried as he continued to bang on the younger boys door.

Donghyuck had shut himself in his room for almost two weeks and Jaemin was worried about him.

He was fine, absolutely fine, and then one day he just vanished. The whole time he had been in his room he hadn't looked at his phone, he hadn't spoken to a soul. He hadn't even spoken to his parents or brother.

Doyoung was the one who told Jaemin to come around. Doyoung was always there for Hyuck. He had been trying constantly to make Hyuck open the door but nothing worked. In the end, he gave in and called Jaemin.

"still not opening the door huh?" Doyoung sighed as he leaned against the wall in the corridor.

"no, and I'm not leaving until he does," Jaemin said loud enough for Hyuck to hear him as well.

"Okay, well... If you need anything just ask, you're welcome to stay over as well if you want" Doyoung explained before leaving Jaemin alone, once again.

Even if he still had the other boys, Jaemin missed his best friend. Hyuck was the mood maker of the group. He kept conversations running and the mood in a good place. Since he left, things have been quiet and rather awkward between the others.

After another hour of trying, Jaemin got tired. He stood starring at the door for a while before speaking out,

"Haechanie, please, it's Nana again. I'm not leaving. No matter how long it takes you to open this door, I am going to be here when you decide to come out, so please, just talk to me" he sighed as he rested a palm against the door.

Only seconds later the door swung open, revealing Hyuck in a pair of sweatpants and a large oversized hoodie. His eyes were red and swollen with bags under them. His cheeks were damp as well as red, along with his ears. He looked more skinny and fragile than Jaemin had ever seen him. But one thing concerned Jaemin the most, the red marks that were just about poking out of the top of Hyuck's sleeve.

Hyuck looked to the floor after seeing the concerned and sad expression Jaemin gave him.

After looking Hyuck up and down, Jaemin tightly wrapped his arms around the boy who soon enough broke down into his embrace, his face hidden in Jaemin's chest.

August 17th, 2019

Jaemin hadn't seen Hyuck since the funeral. He had spoken to Doyoung, but he didn't seem hadn't spoken to Hyuck since their fight after the funeral.

Jaemin made his way to Hyuck's house, using his spare key to get through the door. The second he saw the state the house was in, he knew exactly what happened.

The wallpaper had been pulled from the wall, a few strands hanging for dear life. The ornaments were smashed and thrown across the lounge, photo frames, vases, statues and figurines. The pillows from the couches were scattered everywhere. The mess in the kitchen wasn't even comparable.

"Hyuck?!!" Jaemin called out before waiting for a response.

"go away, I don't want to see anyone, and I don't want anyone to see me!" Hyuck's voice called from his room, followed by the slam of a door.

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